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Faith Refresh The Really Real Podcast

It’s become trendy to deconstruct your faith, but where do turn after you’ve torn things down to the foundation? Justin is a former pastor and current chaplain, while Ansen is a former radio host and... current radio host. Together, they explore the idea of refreshing our faith by going back and taking another look at the Bible passages, beliefs, and church practices that we've all heard a million times.

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Real FM Rewind Real FM Rewind

Hit the rewind button to catch up and go deeper with Real FM! On A-Side, you’ll hear weekly highlights from Real FM Radio shows like Afternoons with Ansen & Kara, Middays with Zoe, and more. On B-Side, your favorite Real FM radio hosts will press rewind together and take a deeper dive into their favorite songs and stories from the past week.

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Reel Review Reel Review

In a world where movie tickets are pricey and you could spend hours browsing streaming platforms, Zoe is here to help by giving you the nuts and bolts of a movie or TV show without the spoilers! But movies and shows are more than just mindless consumables, they’re stories that tell us something about our world and the people around us. Zoe invites you into a deeper conversation about media and how to navigate modern storytelling.

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