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Have you ever read a passage of scripture and had a hard time believing it? Perhaps you’ve stood in church for a worship song or hymn and struggled to make yourself sing the words.


Hi! I’m Alexus, and I could lovingly be referred to as a pen collector, highlighter junkie, and post-it hoarder. In other words, I'm a thorough planner. I carry my planner with me everywhere and have had nightmares about losing it to the wind.  .


I have kept my face glued to my screen(s) over the last weekend, my heart breaking. I don’t know of a better analogy for human fallenness than a peaceful event turning violent due to the sin nature that we all wrestle with. Fear, anger, racism, and confusion.


To say that birds were a “thing” in my house growing up would be an understatement. We were the Bird family. “Bird, just like flies in the sky,” mom would always say when explaining how to spell our last name.


A few months ago, a post from a Twitter account called “Atheist Forum” went viral online. It said, "CHRISTIANITY: Belief that one God created a universe 93 billion light years in diameter consisting of over 200 billion galaxies, each containing an average of 200 billion stars, only to have a personal relationship with you. ".


“Cody doesn’t know what Cody doesn’t know, and Kara doesn’t know what Kara doesn’t know. ” This statement from our premarital counseling is one my husband and I have repeated to each other more than a few times. Usually in the same sweet southern accent our counselor spoke it to us that first time.


Psst. Are you over this yet? Because we're soooo over it. I'm so ready to get out and eat some chips and salsa with my friends again.  But for now this is the world we live in, and we're here to help you survive it.


My daughter Arwyn turns five this week, and I’m not sure that it’s possible for someone to be more excited about their birthday than she is. She's absolutely giddy about it. That might be because she knows our family is pretty big on birthday celebrations.


Sometimes I make things too complicated.  I get this idea in my head that I have to do HUGE things for God, or they somehow don’t count. I hear about people moving to other countries to build orphanages, be doctors, or just learn a completely new culture in order to introduce people to Jesus.


Whenever I’m faced with uncertainty in life, I always get jealous of the people in the Bible that heard God’s voice audibly. I so badly want to hear the thunder crack and God’s unmistakably booming voice say: “Isaac, you need to do X and stop thinking about Y. ”  Sadly, though, that doesn’t happen—at least not for me.