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Faith Refresh


It’s become trendy to deconstruct your faith, but where do turn after you’ve torn things down to the foundation? Justin is a former pastor and current chaplain, while Ansen is a former radio host and... current radio host. Together, they explore the idea of refreshing our faith by going back and taking another look at the Bible passages, beliefs, and church practices that we've all heard a million times.


Holiness (Episode 20)

Scripture tells us to be holy as God is holy. But what does holiness mean? Is the Bible saying we must be good, righteous-acting people to earn God's favor? But if so, how do we live up to God's perfect...


After the resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples on a beach and questions Peter about his love for Him. What was Jesus trying to do with this line of questioning? Was he just being passive-aggressive? Ansen and Justin discuss a...


Confession (Episode 18)

What is confession, and why is it such an important part of practicing the Christian faith? Ansen and Chaplain Justin discuss how confession is so much more than just admitting all the bad stuff you've done.


Sin (Episode 17)

During the season of Lent, Christians around the world spend a few weeks in solemn observance of their own sinfulness and mortality. Sounds like a good time, right? But have you ever heard someone make the case that the Christian...


What do we do with the rather curious story of an oppressed slave-woman named Hagar and her "not the chosen one" son, Ishmael that we find in the book of Genesis? What do we do with Biblical "heroes" like Abraham...


Across all types and denominations of churches, worship services have at least one thing in common: singing. If you grew up in Christian culture, you've probably never questioned this practice. If you didn't, the idea of corporate worship might be...


The phrase "social justice" has become a flashpoint for controversy and conflict in American politics and culture. But while social justice has been given new meaning in modern times, the idea of helping and serving "the least of these" is...


The woman at the well, as she's known, often gets a bad rap. To some, it's the story of an adulterous woman living in unrepentant sin who is confronted by Jesus.


Tithing (Episode 12)

Few subjects are as contentious as money. So let's talk about it! Is giving ten percent of our income a requirement? Will God financially bless us if we tithe? What about the wolves in churches who take advantage of others...


The Bible (Episode 11)

We've talked about verses, stories, and characters from the Bible, but what about the book itself? There's a lot of theological claims about scripture: some say it's inspired, revelatory, prophetic, authoritative, or even inerrant.