Real FM and its parent organization, John Brown University (JBU), both respect your privacy. We will only collect, store and use your personal information for defined purposes. We do not sell your personal information.

We only share your personal data outside the JBU family as required by law or to protect JBU, or with companies that help JBU fulfill its obligations to you, and then only with partners who share JBU's commitment to protecting your privacy and data.

At any time, you may contact JBU with any privacy questions or concerns you may have. You also may ask at any time to see the data you have given us and request corrections. Our goal is to ensure the highest levels of security and confidentiality.

Real FM only asks for specific types of personal information in a few areas on our website. It is completely optional for you to participate.

For example, we request information from you when you:

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  3. Submit a Community Event or Prayer Request
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In each of the instances above, we may ask for your name, e-mail address, phone number, and address, as well as other similar personal information that is needed to apply, register, or subscribe you. In the case of newsletters or mailing lists, you will be able to "unsubscribe" to these mailings at any time.

For questions or concerns about data privacy, contact Real FM or e-mail the JBU Webmaster.

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Brant & Sherri Oddcast


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