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Habitat for Humanity (Benton County)

Locations: 908 SE 21st St, Bentonville
Phone: 479-273-3638

Mission:  To build simple, decent, affordable houses with those who lack adequate shelter.

About:  Habitat for Humanity of Benton County , Inc. is an non-denominational Christian housing ministry with the objective of eliminating poverty housing from within Benton County and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience as well as action. In addition to building houses, Habitat for Humanity helps to build relationships with families and the community that result in a sense of belonging to the community for the new homeowner.  We seek to serve those in Benton County that are in need of affordable housing.

Volunteer Opportunities:  Habitat for Humanity is established through the caring of others, with contributions coming from churches, corporate donors, individuals and organizations.
We need individuals to volunteer time and labor. We need donated materials and cash contributions, which, of course, are tax deductible. We also need your help on our various committees, Board of Directors and in our ReStore and office help.
If you would like to volunteer contact our office at 273-3638 or e-mail at