Andrea Barnett heads up Real FM's social media, digital communications, and video efforts.
Creative, excitable, helper.
A meteorologist! Watching the Local on the 8s with its snazzy saxophone music was actually one of my favorite things as a kid.
Playing a video or board game, caring for my plants, or hiking/packrafting/biking somewhere with my husband.
How to Hello – if you join me for any shopping, eating out or an event, I can’t help but become besties with the staff wherever we are; some great Godwinks have come from showing gratitude for their work!
“So often, right after Jesus performed a miracle, he gave a simple next thing to do. To the leper, he said to tell no one, 'But go and show yourself to the priest.' To the paralytic, he said, 'Get up, pick up your stretcher, and go home.' To Jairus and his wife, after raising their daughter from the dead, when he had their full and complete attention, and when chances were good he could get them to swear their lives away for his sake, he did not perform a lecture about dedicating their lives to him or about what grand plans he had for their girl now that she was alive. Instead, he told them to give her something to eat. After raising their daughter from the actual dead, the one thing Jesus told them in the face of their rapt attention was to go make lunch. At first glance, that seems like a waste of captive audience. Rather than a life plan, a clear vision, or a five-year list of goals, the leper, the paralytic, and Jairus and his wife were given clear instructions by Jesus about what to do next - and only next… But what about for us? Let’s take our cues from Jesus by considering what it means for us to do the next right thing now. Not the next big thing. Not the next impressive thing. Just the next right thing in front of us.” -Emily P. Freeman
I talk to people through a microphone that magically reaches them during their day wherever they are. I also hear what my friends say into the same magical microphone and tell people about it through this thing called social media on a place called the internet, where anyone anywhere can access anything anytime.