Ansen Bayer is the Program Director for Real FM. Ansen oversees all aspects of Real FM's product, including music selection, music and announcer scheduling, website and app development, and on-air coaching for other Real FM personalities.

7 Questions with Ansen

What three words would your loved ones use to describe you?

I asked my 3 kids for one word each. Here's what I got: Nice, Fun, Tall. That sounds about right. 😆

Finish this sentence: "When I was five, I was pretty sure I'd be __________ when I grew up."

A cartographer! You know, someone who makes maps? Is that still a thing people do? Probably for Google and Apple, at least. I was always drawing maps of places (both real and imagined) when I was supposed to be paying attention at school.

What could we probably find you doing when you're not at the station?

I like training for and racing in half marathons, so probably running. Otherwise I might be producing music, playing video games, having a "tickle fight" with my kids, or watching sports (mostly my beloved K-State Wildcats and Kanas City Chiefs).

What is your most used emoji?


If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

I Was Going to Change The World, But I Ended Up Playing Video Games Instead

What is your favorite quote?

"Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!"

How would you describe your job to an alien who had no idea what you were talking about?

I say a lot of words into a magic stick and hope that a few might mean something to somebody. Beyond that, I develop new products and strategies for people to engage with our "brand," which is kind of like a personality but for organizations as opposed to individuals... you know what, let's just forget all that and stick to the first sentence.

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