Malachi Crane oversees Real FM's Ministry Partner program. Underwriting programming or promotions allows businesses to support Real FM while increasing awareness. If you're interested in sharing your business with the Real FM audience, Malachi is your guy!
Dedicated, analytical and fun.
I was pretty sure I’d be a professional baseball player when I grew up. I loved sports growing up but had to give up the dream after high school. I still love baseball and was thrilled when the Naturals came to NWA!
You can find me with my wife and 3 kids running from activity to the next. I also enjoy golf and being on the water!
👍 It’s easy and covers a lot of responses.
Today Sets Up Tomorrow because I believe so much of life connects together in ways that we would never anticipate and God orchestrates some amazing outcomes that we would never be capable of on our own.
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” -Steve Jobs
I connect businesses and organizations who want to help make a positive difference with our amazing, loyal listeners. I’ve had the privilege of helping grow our network of ministry partners for almost 20 years and see how our listeners in turn support their organization.