Fayetteville AR
Mission: The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God's favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.
About: 40 Days for Life began as a local effort in Bryan/College Station, Texas in 2004. The project has since expanded internationally, with 559 cities holding campaigns in 27 countries.
9,699 lives have been saved from abortion, and 107 abortion workers have quite their jobs as a direct result of prayer campaigns outside abortion clinics. 59 abortion facilities have closed.
The NWA campaign has been operating in Fayetteville for 8 years. People from all types of churches come to pray outside the abortion clinic, and offer women hope, prayer and information on abortion alternatives, pointing them to resources such as Loving Choices Pregnancy Center.
Services: Every Spring and Fall, a 40 day prayer campaign is conducted outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Fayetteville.
Prayer volunteers come to intercede for LIFE, and peacefully stand as witnesses to the evil of abortion. Volunteers also have resources available to give, when women want to make contact and find out about other opportunities.
Volunteer opportunities: 40 Days for Life requires a peaceful, prayerful presence and does not allow prayer volunteers to be threatening, accusing or violent in any way. We pray for the women, the babies and the abortion workers.
Believers can get involved by
1. Volunteering to come and pray for one hour a week (or more) during the campaign.
2. Talking to friends about 40 Days for Life
3. Speaking in church about the campaign
4. Coming to the kick-off rally to meet other prayer volunteers!
5. Funds given will support raising local awareness
6. Fasting during the 40 day campaign
Contact [email protected] for more info or visit http://40daysforlife.com.
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