Contact Information

1206 N 2nd Street, Rogers AR


Organization Information


Souls Harbor NWA is a transitional-living facility for men. We provide food, clothing, shelter, educational, and employment opportunities free of charge, while walking alongside men who ready to reconstruct their lives. We are dedicated to restoring individuals, rebuilding families, and transforming communities!


Souls Harbor NWA was founded in 1988, and started as a homeless shelter for men. Over the years, we have transformed into a transitional living facility offering men a hand up not a hand out. We walk alongside men who are ready to reconstruct their lives. We offer food, housing, clothing, job resources, and life skills free of charge to the men who live at our facility.


Souls Harbor NWA is a transitional living facility for men. We provide food, clothing, shelter, employment, and educational opportunities free of charge, while walking alongside men who are ready to RECONSTRUCT their lives. We only serve men who are willing to seek and keep full-time employment and/or continue their education. In addition to household chores, preparing meals, and maintaining the grounds, we encourage each resident to volunteer at our facility, as well as, participate in our community volunteer efforts that some are calling, “Service with Soul.” Our program fosters DISCIPLINE & WORK ETHIC. Our Rules & Regulations provide STRUCTURE and ACCOUNTABILITY. Our philosophy nurtures SOUL CHANGE & SPIRITUAL GROWTH.

Volunteer Opportunities

IT Volunteer:

We are looking for SalesForce advisor who is proficient and willing to offer some training in the use of Salesforce for creating effective applications, fields, and formulas

Prepare a Meal:

Bring friends, family, or your work group to prepare and share a meal with our residents. Provide/Supplement your own ingredients or use our pantry! Or help others prepare a meal as backup kitchen staff. If you want an education in the kitchen, this could be a great opportunity.

Professional Services:

Educators Legal, Medical, Accounting, Phycological and Emotional Support, Photographers, Videographers, Graphic Design, Web Developers, Architects, Musicians,

Fiscal Partnerships:

Souls Harbor NWA is sustained exclusively through private donations. We are looking for individuals to expand our funding opportunities and build relationships with the community. We are also seeking volunteers experienced in researching and writing grant proposals.

Mentors & Educators:

Come hang out and help our guys learn better ways of Being…better ways of working, managing finances, being a husband, being a father, being an asset to the community. We are also looking for teachers who have expertise on a variety of topics covering personal, spiritual, and professional development.

Hire a Resident:

One of the most effective ways to build dignity and self-respect is to provide our residents with opportunity to build new networks and earning a living wage. Our residents possess a variety of talents and trades, ranging from general labor to skilled professional services. Call us today to see if we can match the right resident with your project! click here learn more

Urban Farm/Greenhouse:

We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the gardens and greenhouse. Share your expertise and help lead other volunteers and residents, or come join in and learn something new!

Join a Committee!

We are looking for volunteers to add value to our Marketing & Development, Events, Campus Development, Workforce Development, and Mustard Seed Project Committee.

Board Membership:

If your are interested to learn more about serving on our Governing Board of Directors, you can request a Board Candidate Survey by emailing [email protected]

Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!

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