116 West Division Street Stilwell, OK 74960
To provide help to those in need on a temporary basis and to provide education in ways to rise above poverty status.
The Jeremiah 29 Foundation has a Thrift Store that receives donations from the public in order to provide items to the homeless and those in need. We also sell the donations that we receive to provide income to fund our many other programs. Our main program each year is our Annual Angel Tree. We take care of the overflow of needy families from DHS and Cherokee Nation. We usually take care of 250-300 children each year. All of the funds for this project are from donations from the public. We provide each child with socks, underwear, clothing, and a toy.
Services We Provide:
Angel Tree, Emergency Food Pantry, School Supplies, Prescriptions, Gas Vouchers, Clothing Vouchers, Household item vouchers, Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance, Personal Items voucher, Deposit assistance and many more.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Volunteers are needed to work the Thrift Store, wrap presents, make monetary donations, purchase clothing items or toys, or bring any type of donation for our Thrift Store and set up donation boxes for monetary donations or toys.
For more information, email Teresa at: [email protected].
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