PO Box 2175, Lowell, AR 72745
Supporting Foster Families and Relative Caregivers, One Family at a Time.
Fostering Hope started out of a desire to serve foster families and relative caregivers. Our mission is to provide financial, spiritual, and informational sources to foster parents and relative caregivers going through the fostering process. We believe that as followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to come alongside families and help them navigate the fostering and adoption world. Fostering is a difficult journey, but it doesn't have to be. That's where our organization steps in and serves our foster care community.
Currently, we provide summer camp scholarships to foster kids and those placed in kinship care. Taking a child, or multiple children, into your home can be an expensive feat and often costs more than the monthly stipend given. Our vision is to provide financial resources for recreational activities that support the emotional, social, physical and spiritual development of a child that are often costly and more than the stipend. This also creates normalcy for a child so they can be a kid like any other kid.
Website: https://www.fosteringhopenwa.org/
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