I am the pastor at a deaf church in Fayetteville, AR. We used to be averaging 30-40 in attendance. Then it started to drop to about 15. As coronavirus came in, we are now down to about 5 in attendance each Sundays. We don’t have any place to have church, our home is too small. We are worshiping through Zoom Meeting. I am asking y’all to pray for our church to start growing again in faith and pray for the deaf people in Northwest Arkansas to know Jesus. Only 3% of the deaf in America know Jesus.
I need a church, and church family. I haven't been to church in a long time and I am starting to loose my faith. I don't hear from God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and when I pray I feel it is just words I say to myself. I have ideas and things I want to do for a church ministry but I don't have any motivation. Part of this is because I feel guilty leaving my dad at the house all by himself. I work all week (40 hours sometimes more) and then I feel bad leaving him alone (he is capable of taking care of himself). He doesn't want to go to church. Please pray that I stop feeling guilty and find a church home. Thank you.
My friend is getting blamed for something she didn't do. She did the right thing by telling her coach and principal by telling them that she didn't do what she was getting blamed for. She lost all of her so-called "friends" because she told them that they were involved with the incident. She still has me and all of my friends, who are all Christians. Her so-called friends were not. She has been really down and crying a lot because she feels stuck and confused. Please pray for her.
I am going to leave in the next month to go teach in China for a year. I still need to raise money for a plane ticket and I am struggling with belief it will come as well as with fear that I am not going to be a good teacher. The mission is to teach but to also share Jesus, so I strength and belief. I need encouragement not to give up and prayers that I turn to God for this strength and not anything else.