Music Video


You can knock on the door but I'm not gonna let you in
You can play all your games but I'm not gonna let you win (again)
You can step to me with all your negativity
Don't you know I'm just so over you under my skin

And this time it's not even anger
I think we're just better as strangers
Don't try the locks 'cause I changed 'em

You can't have my head space
Won't let you in my safe place
You can say what you want, you can do what you like
You can throw another stone, but you're never gonna see my heart break
No no
Cause you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it

For the first time I ain't gonna give you a second thought
'Cause your talk is so cheap that the pain isn't worth the cost
So do your worst to me but you'll never get the best of me
Cause I know who I am, don't tell me what I'm not

Now I like the way I feel brand new
Matter of fact I should thank you
I'm stronger for what you put me through

You can't have my head space
Won't let you in my safe place
You can say what you want, you can do what you like
You can throw another stone, but you're never gonna see my heart break
No, no
Cause you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it
No you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it

Don't you come round here no more
You can try but it's too late
Finally got you off my mind
I'm done

You can't have my head space
Won't let you in my safe place
You can say what you want, you can do what you like
You can throw another stone, but you're never gonna see my heart break
No no
Cause you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it
No you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it
Cause you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it
No you can't have my head space
You, you, you can't have it
You can't have my head space

Writer(s): Theron Otis Feemster, David Williams, Paul Duncan, Riley Clemmons

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