Music Video


Sometimes I feel like I'm just not enough
Other times I think I'm doing too much
Hiding my feelings, yeah, I shut them off
I just wanna be alone
Start over tomorrow

Though I feel my heart ache
At the moment
I know it's ok
To feel a little broken

Cause I'm never too far, too far
From your your your arms
Keeping me safe from harm
A love from the start
You do whatever it takes
Yeah, you always find a way
Cause I'm never too far, too far
From your your your arms

Even on the worst day
You making me feel like it's my birthday
With you I won the medal, I'm in first place
Your love's another level and I'm in space

Yeah, you changing my views
I got nothing to prove
When you love me like you do
Love me like you do

Cause I'm never too far, too far
From your your your arms
Keeping me safe from harm
A love from the start
You do whatever it takes
Yeah, you always find a way
Cause I'm never too far, too far
From your your your arms

And I'm never too far from you, yeah
Anywhere know I can call on you, yeah
And your love never gave up on me
Even when I ran off on you
When I don't believe in myself
When they saw the worst in me, yeah
Your love always waited on me
And reminds me again who I am
Can't stay down got too much to lose
Push and pull but I always pull through
Can't nobody love me like you do, no

All through my heart ache
At the moment
I know it's ok
To feel a little broken

Cause I'm never too far, too far
From your your your arms
Keeping me safe from harm
A love from the start
You do whatever it takes
Yeah, you always find a way
Cause I'm never too far, too far
From your your your arms

Writer(s): Blanca Elaine Reyes, Anton Goransson, Tyler Brasel, Isabella Sjosstrand

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