Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


July 28th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Extra Contact Lenses, Love Is Never Wasted, The National Day Conspiracy, We're Forgetful, Brant KNOWS What You Look Like, You ARE the Traffic, Take a Look at Jesus, Stories of Grace, The IKEA Game, Adoration, Laughing with Brant and Sherri


July 27th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Where's God in Suffering, A Weekend @ the Fair, Selling Brant's Truck, Your Identity is in God Alone, The Accordion Birthday Song, Anger on Social Media, Fleet of Foot, Temporary Troubles for Believers, The Monday Song, Angry About Modest Swimwear, Social Tips, Love and Sacrifice, CrossFIt


July 24th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Empty Nesters, Moving the Boxes, Save the Alien Planet, Rules of the Show, Joke Factory: Gollum and Six Flags, Feeling Like a Failure, Baby Hedgehogs Sneezing, Driving Sherri Nuts, Keep Going Back, Rock/Paper/Scissors
"You're like the goalie on a hockey team except you block your own team"
"This is the only radio show that gives away guilt."
"We never want to be preachy. We're just really excited about what God is showing us about how good He is"
"I take my struggles less and less seriously and just think: How can I love someone today"
"They had a video of baby hedgehogs sneezing and it was FREE!"


July 23rd Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Ping the Driver AGAIN, Unoffendable KKK Picture, Accessible Like Jesus, Moving Woes, Opposite of Religion, In God's Family, The Underdog Hall of Fame, Brush With Greatness, Covering People, Totally Ripped National Day Committee, It's About Me, Fanaticism, Working With Someone With Asperger's
"Jesus replaced religion with Himself"
"We are not in a consumer relationship with God, we're in covenant"
"My producer is against me, but everyone else is totally on my side"
"When God sees us He sees the right-ness of Jesus."


July 22nd Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Cool Store Music Silenced, The Hansen Garage Sale, Singleness, Woodland Friends, Joke Factory, The Fruit of the Spirit: Masculine vs. Feminine?, Jesus and Masculinity, The Accordion Call, Jesus and Women
"Sometimes I have to go around my producer to connect with the listeners."
"A garage sale is a recipe for anger and despair." 
"The church has made romance a god."
"Get rid of your defensiveness. We don't see it in Jesus. He was content with Himself"
"The ultimate expression of true masculinity: You can be comfortable enough in who you are in God that you don't have to constantly show how manly you are"


July 21st Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

More of God, Improving Golf, It Matters How You Treat People, Truth in Love, Songs That Make You Cry, Dueling Shows, Social Tips, Listener Uniforms and Mandates, Communion on the Moon, Singleness
"Both marriage and singleness are gifts. That's the actual Biblical way of looking at it. Anything else, we made up."
"I know I sound like Garfield the cat. I can't shake it."
"You'll hear me back track from challenging Trace Adkins to a fight"


July 20th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Nordstrom Shirt, When We're Hard Headed, Songs That Make You Cry, The Monday Song, Welcoming Misfits, Teacher Guilt, Cool Is Boring, Saeed Abedini, Wrong Levis, Going to the Dentist
"God uses wounded people. It's the only kind of people He'll use"
"Come sit at our table. We're not the host and we can hardly leave you out if He let US in"
"If you're a $1,200 t-shirt person, I'm not making fun of you. In fact, we'd like your monthly support at this station"
"The group Hanson are my bitter enemies"


July 17th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The  Wonder of Pluto, McDonald's Needs More Balloons, Stories of Grace, Magnets and Cars, Loving Different Things Because of Jesus, Save the Alien Planet, An Apology To Women, Going to the Dentist
"This show is constantly throwing out ideas that are not accepted by the general public"
"We're just a small particle riding on a spec of dust in space and He loves us. That is absolutely mind blowing"
"Ignore me at your own peril McDonald's"
"People that wouldn't normally buy a car will buy it if there is a balloon tied to the mirror"
"When you are a follower of Jesus you start to see things differently. I think it's because He's gradually replacing our eyes with His."


July 16th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Trapper Keeper?, Inside Locker Decor, Songs About God, Ping the Driver, Good News About Marriage, Yahoo Depression, 7 Important Needs of a Husband, When You Don't Think It's Funny..., The Exclusivity of Jesus
"I can't answer that question, Sherri. I'm trapped"
"You can't go wrong in a marriage if you both going into it determined to build each other up"
"Sherri is about to speak for all women, collectively across the globe"
"If God made a way to us, wouldn't it be good to look into it? Wouldn't it be arrogant for us to reject it?"


July 15th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Fake News Stories, Cow Appreciation Day, When You Get Older, Brant an the Emu, Can God Contradict You?, Brant the Former Truck Guy, Going to the State Fair, Saeed Abedini, Loving Without Truth and Giving Truth Without Love, Brant's Bike With a Basket, Church Insecurity
"That cat meme was photo shopped"
"I take a little time each day to think about cows"
"The decisions you're  making now form who you are later"
"God, will I see my truck in heaven?"
"Being loving without being truthful makes you self indulgent"


July 14th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Ping a Driver, Being Known, Jesus Wife Artifact Scam, Narrow Nerd Interests, Don't You Hope You're Wrong?, The "Talk To Yourself" Study, The "Wobbly Chair" Study, Trusting God, Re-Think, When Everyone Thinks Something Is Funny and You Don't
"If you're looking for lasting least entertain the idea that it's not gonna come unless you rethink some things"
"The Wobbly Chair data is solid"
"I'm drawn to God because He knows me through and through and He still wants me"
"The Minion with the one goggle on his one eye is very entertaining"
"Your point of view is ridiculous, but it doesn't make you wrong."


July 13th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Saeed Abedini, Sesame Street, Selling Brant's Truck, I Saw the Light, Knowledge vs. Love, Brant's Audio Book, Show Uniforms, When People Are Wrong, Arguing at Jiffy Lube
"There are certain unalienable rights that Uncle Brant has be given in the Bill of Rights, kids."
"All you need is some bluegrass all up in your to speak..."
"Jesus deliberately chose fishermen and then set them to work quickly."
"I'm glad I agreed with me."
"The Bible says our hearts are deceitful. Our heart doesn't deceive deceives us."

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