Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


May 15th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Honorary Doctorates, The Professor and the Baby, The Voice-mail, Family Bingo, Forgiveness, It Is Finished, Making SFX, Jesus Is THE Way, Survival School
"Jesus embodied what it meant to be masculine: love for the vulnerable and the 
people on the margins."
"The listeners to this program ooze talent. Maybe you'd like to ooze with us."
"The whole Cosmos shifted when Jesus died on the cross"
"There are bees in my space suit."


May 14th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Spiritual Seekers, Welcome to the Show, Redbox Shoes, Baby Chloe on the Plane, Chewbacca Hoodie, Rain Wilson on Brokenness, Men in the Mirror, Making SFX, Is Your Dog a Genius?
"Producer Sherri has her own quirks. We'll unpack those as soon as we're done with mine."
"If you're a seeker be open to the fact that Jesus maybe exactly what you've been seeking for."
"The Gospel frees some people and scandalizes the rest."
"Today on the show well be talking about Jesus AND is your dog a genius? It's the breadth of this show."
"Read about Jesus for yourself, don't believe the cartoon caricature."


May 13th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

New Facial Hair, Honorary Doctorates, Karaoke Church, NPR Puppet Stealing, Saeed Abedini, "Are You A Christian" Poll, Octagon of Knowledge, Worry, The Podcast and Blues Guitar
"We're giving away Honorary Doctorates on the show today like candy"
"NPR is stealing from us and renaming our puppets"
"When I became a believer I gave my life away. So what can you take from me?"
"Without the music, I'm just a guy in a unitard"
"Who accredits the people that accredit the people that accredit? We don't know."


May 12th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

A New Way to Handle Annoying People, Hansen's Law, Stories of Grace, The 200 Sq Ft Apartment, The Misfit Table, Learning From Unoffendable, Food Is Better Toasted Science, We All Want a King, The Coordinates Bracelet, Brant's American Idol Suggestion
"Hansen's Law: Don't be surprised when the person that does the thing, does the thing"
"We've seen the popular kids table, it looks nice over there. We tried to sit there once."
"Part of humility is acknowledging that you don't have it all figured out"
"I'm glad my book is out there stirring up problems. Mission Accomplished"


May 11th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Mother's Day Spending, Followers on ETSY, Speaker Phone in Public, The Relationship That Lasts Forever, I Saw the Light, What to Say to Your Wife, Not Doing Enough For God, Day of Awesome, The News and Anxiety
"You're not guaranteed a mate. God only guarantees you Himself for eternity."
"If we continue to strive for God's approval when we already have it, it actually becomes sort of a neurotic thing."
"Why do all conversational roads have to lead back to my burgundy pants?"


May 8th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Forgiving Someone When They Haven't Apologized, The Hokey Pokey Injury, McDonald's and Kale, FB Marriages via Brant, Cursing, The Dirty Beard Statistics, CURE International, The Monkey Bar Injury, Introverts on the Phone, Sci-Fi Question: Bid Dumb Heads, Welcome to the Show
"Sherri torpedoed the romance"
"We forgive based on who God is and what He has done for us...not because someone has or hasn't apologized"
"Stop talking about our beards"
"It's amazing but God gives us the opportunity to turn towards him or away from Him"
"You have to let anger go. The process of doing that is different for all of us"


May 7th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Epic Phone Battle, Other Ladies, Save the Alien Planet, Mother's Day Spending, When You Don't Like Someone..., World Class Accordion Player, Cure International, Brant's Son, Awkward Jog of Gratitude
"You can't say what type of phone you like. Android or iPhone. Once you say one or the other...people take up camps. Banners flying. Oaths taken to avenge."
"Brant's slow jam is impactful in it's bizarreness"
"I tried to be like Barry White, but I ended up sounding like Kevin Spacey, then I 
swerved into Froghorn Leghorn, and ended it with Colonel Sanders."
"We tried to make up for the deficits we have in professionalism with epicness"
"Separate what people are doing from who  they are. It will help you be FOR that person and pray for that person"


May 6th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

CURE International, The Advice Goats, Church Sports League Anger, Asperger's and Knowing Jesus, God Mad Us All Differently, Finding Things With Tags, Cancel the Prom...ALL Proms, National Beverage Day, Octagon of Knowledge, Do You REALLY Want To Be Known?
"We are the only program with Advice Goats. Until people start stealing them"
"God uses people on the margins that don't fit the mainstream"
"Will we allow God to change us? That's the question for all of us whether you have your hands raised or not"
"The National Beverage Association can kinda play me cause I need coffee. But I'm not getting played all the way."
"Just one everlasting love can really make a pretty big difference."


May 5th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Royal Baby Team, Simplicity, I Thought You Were White..., Movies You Don't Get, Cure: Send a Kid a Note, A Social Media Tip on Anger, The Awkward Jog of Gratitude...UP STAIRS, It's Not About Sin Control, When God Changes Your Heart, Saeed Abedini
"Why can't people, when they think of me, picture Will Smith"
"Prepare yourself for something mildly funny on this show"
"Suddenly I'm running...I didn't want to, but I am...and it's out of gratitude"
"Be open to the fact that God may change what you want"


May 4th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Big Fight, Nutri-Bullet Following Brant, The Avengers, I Saw the Light, Think On These Things, Pray For Your Enemies, Survival School, Prayer, Big Bird Fear, Day of Awesome, God Still Wants Us
"I wanted to know under what circumstances Brant' face would be pummeled with his permission."
"We don't know a person's heart. I don't even know my own heart."
"If humility forces you into God's arms, that's wonderful!"
"I'm trying to be a man of the people and not a weirdo for once"


April 29th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Baltimore Riots and the Social Media, The Unoffendable Hall of Fame, Social Suaveness Tip, Gossip, Non-Awesome Super Powers, How God Feels Love, Colonel Cuddly, Saeed Abedini, D.L. Hughely Son with Asperger's
"You don't have to 'take' offense. You can choose not to"
"Something supernatural happens when you realize you've been given unmerited favor that you don't deserve: Grace"
"I have a subtle suaveness"
"When I gossip, I'm uncovering someone instead of covering them the way Jesus did with me."


April 28th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Chronic Lateness Disease, Throw Rugs, Prayer, Saeed Abedini Birthday, Brant: Rule Breaker, Pocket Shark, Beat at UNO, My Mom Hates Your Show, Can We Hear From Brant's Wife?, The Holocaust Victim and Anger, Stories of Grace
"I applaud research studies that affirm what I already think."
"I need to be spending time of solitary un-busyness with God."
"Kids if you're planning to rob a bank today, don't."
"Sherri seems to have a criminal mind. That's really weird."

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