Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
Text vs. Talking, Living Out Your Faith, Ed Sheeran Quits Twitter, The Grilled Cheese Study, Not Feeling Joyful?, Social Tip, Breaking Animal News, Humans and Rules, Smaller Audience in the Summer, Listener Uniforms and Control, Not Feeling God, Sci-Fi Questions $10 Million or Fix Your Mistakes, Being in the Moment;
Boring People, 7 Different Colognes, Fast and Furious Bad News, Smaller Audience in the Summer, Controlling People, Brant and Holiday Baseball, Talking to Dads, The Music Festival Theologians, People of the Way, The Declaration of Independence and Hot Dog Eating, God Still Wants You, Goat Appreciation Day;
Forgiveness Day, Duck Horns, Spontaneous Giving Is Fun, Is My Head in a Case, Black Platinum Like Grandma, Breaking Animal News, The Good News, God Is Faithful, God As Father, Life on Another Planet, The Wisdom Deficit, The Sins of Others, Octagon of Patriotic Knowledge, Arranged Marriages, Dumb Smart Phones;
Dodge Ball Tournament, 3000 Entertainment Options, The Binky App, Breaking Animal News, Advice for Kids with Aspergers, Introverts and Socializing, Hip and Cool, Weekend Plans, God Enjoys Us, Rich Kids on Instagram, Save the Alien Planet, Remind Me of God’s Faithfulness, “Ministry” Jobs;
First Day of Summer, Coolness Tip, Perfectionist with God, God Wants to Know Us, Folding Notebook Paper, Survival School, Avoiding God, Social Tip, Normal People/Black Pants, True Repentance, Honesty Cafe, Seeing Kingdom of God, Breaking Animal News, BONUS PODCAST MATERIAL: Married People with Single Friends;
Marriage, Breaking Animal News, Don’t Denigrate Your Gift, Sci-Fi Questions: Gray Hair or Travel, The Good News, Your Job is Ministry, Food You Hate, Renewing Your Love for People, Successful Morning Routine, Welcome to the Show, Well Done, Trusting God, Mordor Family Feud, Being Extraordinary;