Hit the rewind button to catch up and go deeper with Real FM! On A-Side, you’ll hear weekly highlights from Real FM Radio shows like Afternoons with Ansen & Kara, Middays with Zoe, and more. On B-Side, your favorite Real FM radio hosts will press rewind together and take a deeper dive into their favorite songs and stories from the past week.


B-Side #27 - Inconvenience and Indycar Racing

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Kara, Ansen, and Isaac as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Rock City Worship, pause to talk about how some of the best things in life are inconvenient, and look forward to the Indy 500!


A-Side #27: May 1st - May 5th

Real FM Rewind

Check out some of our favorite moments from Real FM Radio this past week! Parrots face time each other, ducks are waddling marathons, chocolate bunnies are doomed, and emus are out to get you...


B-Side #26: Cartoons

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Kara, Ansen, and Isaac as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Social Club Misfits, pause to talk about their favorite cartoons, and look forward to date night at the movies!


B-Side #25: Red-Neck Fort Building and Gratitude

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Kara, Ansen, and Isaac as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Forest Frank, pause to talk about how a city clean-up week (or red-neck fort building) can spark gratitude, and look forward to the first camping trip of the season.


A-Side #25: April 10th - 14th

Real FM Rewind

Check out some of our favorite moments from Real FM Radio this past week! We're talking about national "roast day", orange juice in cereal, gardening abs, puppies instead of flowers at weddings, and figuring out what to do after Easter...


B Side #24: Hope

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Kara, Ansen, and Isaac as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from KB, pause to talk about how hope makes the struggle bearable, and look forward to being made whole.


A-Side #24: April 3rd - April 7th

Real FM Rewind

Check out some of our favorite moments from Real FM Radio this past week! We're talking about CatGPT, the adoption of an unlikely pair of animals, people switching to flip-phones, seeing Jesus as God-With-Us this Easter season, prayer as a conversation with God, and how to spend a lot of money FAST...

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Episode #108: March 10-14
Real FM Rewind
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Religion & Science (Episode 26)
Faith Refresh
Reel 2: What Would Bonhoeffer Think About This Movie?
Reel Review
2151 Puppet Sacrifices Before The Savior
Brant & Sherri Oddcast
2150 If You Heard A Big Beep Sound
Brant & Sherri Oddcast
2149 Over 75,000 People Have Come On Down
Brant & Sherri Oddcast
2148 You Need A Goofball
Brant & Sherri Oddcast
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Real FM Radio

with Isaac

The Real FM Podcast Network

RealFMRewindArtwork23 3000

Episode #108: March 10-14

Real FM Rewind

Brant Sherri Oddcast Cover 2021

2152 You Don't Have To Send Out A Press...

Brant & Sherri Oddcast


Religion & Science (Episode 26)

Faith Refresh


Reel 2: What Would Bonhoeffer Think Abou...

Reel Review

Brant Sherri Oddcast Cover 2021

2151 Puppet Sacrifices Before The Savior

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Sherri Oddcast Cover 2021

2150 If You Heard A Big Beep Sound

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Sherri Oddcast Cover 2021

2149 Over 75,000 People Have Come On Do...

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Sherri Oddcast Cover 2021

2148 You Need A Goofball

Brant & Sherri Oddcast


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