Hit the rewind button to catch up and go deeper with Real FM! On A-Side, you’ll hear weekly highlights from Real FM Radio shows like Afternoons with Ansen & Kara, Middays with Zoe, and more. On B-Side, your favorite Real FM radio hosts will press rewind together and take a deeper dive into their favorite songs and stories from the past week.
This week, Ansen, Kara and Zoe covered a plethora of topics! Ansen and Kara talked about allergies, being overly busy, and how there's a million products trying to optimize your life. Zoe talked about her new found appreciate for "stanley-like" cups, a story of how a woman made chicken taste like soap, and apparently one of the secrets to a long life is a weekly meal of fish and chips...
Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they dive down the rabbit hole in a discussion about the repeat song of the week from Knox, then pause to talk about the things the internet says we've been doing wrong, and look forward to golfing in the beautiful spring weather!
Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from GLADDEN, pause to discuss the surprising thing that can help counteract the negative side effects of overdosing on social media, and look forward to gardening!
This is a different kind of episode. We're rewinding the clock to when Zoe interviewed a special guest, an artist we play on Real FM named Sam Bowman. Sam is a singer/song writer who also collaborates with several artists, helping produce their music as well as his own. Zoe is a big fan of his single "Whisper" and his new song "Gravity."
This is a different kind of episode. We're rewinding the clock to when Zoe interviewed a special guest named 3D, a rap artists we play on Real FM radio. You may recognize his song "Rescue" where he collaborated with Palace. This interview was pieced across the Zoe Midday show on Wednesday, and now its here in its full version for you.
This week, Ansen, Kara, and Zoe talked about special days like Leap Day and National Snack Day. They also talked about more light hearted things such as the impending doom of Spring Forward and the "adulting" experience of buying a new couch. Life isn't all snacks and couches however, many of us struggle in seasons of depression. Kara and Ansen offer hope and encouragement through what they shared this week and Zoe is honest about adjusting to a full time job after the hectic schedule of college life.
Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they dive deeper into the on-repeat song of the week from Sean Rodriguez and Holly Holliwell, pause to discuss what it might look like to unlearn a few things from our youth group days, and look forward to the little moments in our days that bring us joy.