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Reel Review


In a world where movie tickets are pricey and you could spend hours browsing streaming platforms, Zoe is here to help by giving you the nuts and bolts of a movie or TV show without the spoilers! But movies and shows are more than just mindless consumables, they’re stories that tell us something about our world and the people around us. Zoe invites you into a deeper conversation about media and how to navigate modern storytelling.


In this Reel 2, Zoe asked her resident Godzilla-expert Sam to bring his knowledge to the conversation. Sam discusses why he felt this movie was more of a Kong movie than a Godzilla film, not really a team-up, and he...


Big monster fights are not Zoe's cup of tea when it comes to movies but this latest entry in the "monster-verse" franchise from Legendary Studios surprised her! She had a very fun time at the theater and her husband who...


In this deep dive into Kung Fu Panda 4, Zoe explains why she feels this full shows the greed of Hollywood. One of the film's co-directors, Stephanie Stein, has come out expressing her frustration with DreamWorks and shared her unfortunate...


This reel review shares two opinions on the film Kung Fu Panda 4. Zoe found the film lackluster and disappointing but her autistic brother Josh found it hilarious.


It's okay if Dune isn't your cup of tea when it comes to film entertainment, but for Zoe its frustrating when people criticize the Dune films for being style over substance.


Reel 1: Dune 2

This is your spoiler free review of the second part to the recent sci fi saga, Dune. Zoe is very biased on this one since she is a huge fan of sci fi, fantasy, world-building, and the director Denis Villeneuve.


Welcome to Reel Review! This is where Zoe helps answer the question, "Should I see this?" and invites you into a deeper conversation about the story's themes and message.


Welcome to Reel Review! This is where Zoe helps answer the question, "Should I see this?" and invites you into a deeper conversation about the story's themes and message. This is Reel 2, Part 2.


Welcome to Reel Review! This is where Zoe helps answer the question, "Should I see this?" and invites you into a deeper conversation about the story's themes and message. This is Reel 2, Part 1.


Welcome to Reel Review! This is where Zoe helps answer the question, "Should I see this?" and invites you into a deeper conversation about the story's themes and message.