Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
New FB Options, FB and Anger, Brant Called Out!, Safari's Grocery Outlet, Friend of Sinners, The FB Singles' Mixer, They're Just Like Us, Dentistry on Fleek, Jesus Sets Us Free, Interesting Topics @ the Dentist, FB Freak Out, Not Hopeless;
"Letting things go and letting go of anger is still a scandal."'
"One day we're gonna be big pundits about something."
"I wasn't angry...I was shocked and saddened."
"I love that serving Jesus doesn't mean I won't be sad. It does mean that I'm never hopeless."
Relating to God, National Toast Day, Chewing Gum for the Dentist, Helping People to Mature, Airbus Bench, How You Met Your Spouse, Scandalized by Grace;
"If I'm gonna run for president, I gotta get in on some of these primaries"
"Unless you've been scandalized by grace you haven't understood it yet."
"Sherri has not exempted herself from liability in this."
"I participated in National Toast Day by accident"
"Instead of being upset when someone says something immature, why not come along side them and help them grow?"
Being an Astronaut, Brant Hansen for President, When Jesus Happens, Honesty Cafe, How Your Car Feels, You're Welcome Here, Being Silly, Kids/Tantrums/Target, Hipsters and Authority, Dealing with Asperger's (it gets better) Emotionally Relating to God, Be Humble Week, Destroying Stuff;
"Dr. Neil Clark Warren seems like an affable guy."
"Astronauts report hearing creepy out of space music from the moon."
"Intelligence is one thing but 'wisdom' is what we need."
"We believe heaven will include a lot of laughter and we're not waiting."
"It just so happens that kids' display their worst behavior at Target."
Talking About God, Mac Book and Coffee, The Monday Song, Greeting Tme in Church, Dealing with Anger, Save the Alien Planet, Silence on the Phone, Local News, Singles Mixer, When You're Not Good At Something, Christmas Tree Worm Follow-up, Worry;
"No one is more militant about the local news than Sherri's Mom."
"Acting in anger clouds your judgement."
"Greeting time in church is great for extroverts and a nightmare for introverts."
Burn Unoffendable, Driving Safely, Critiquing Christians, Stories of Grace, February, Christmas Tree Worm Response, Where You Find Your Worth, Thanks for the Oddcast, Thick, Judgement;
"Most people who critique Christians are asking to see MORE of Jesus!"
"People will totally be on board with what I said as long as they don't think about what you said. What you said totally destroyed what I said."
"When you reject 'fact guy' then you don't get the facts."
"There are parts of the Bible that say "don't judge" and other parts that say "judge"
Ronda Rousey, The Brant Hansen Show Flowbee, Miming the News Response, Hide All Posts: Night To Shine, Driverless Cars and Naps, Kirk/Kanyae, FB Singles Mixer, The Caffeine Patch, Puppets and Weddings, The 2 + 6 Computer, The Accuser, Prayer & Distraction, Patience w/Opposing Ideas, The Giga-Mansion Math;
"Don't put your self esteem in something that can be taken from you."
"I'm not in MMA. I'm a radio guy and a stamp collector."
"We get to point you towards a hope that won't disappear."
"Why was that the straw? Why is this camel's back broken?"
"Don't be the person that's grumbling when Jesus goes into Zaccheus' house."
The Christmas Tree Worm, Getting and Wanting Attention, Singles Mixer, Miming the News, Kendrick Lamaar/Grammys, Achieving Happiness, Baby Name Spite, Giga-Mansion, Sinful Cities;
"Since we started talking 30 seconds ago, I've already begged you to give me a chance. That's not normal for radio."
"If you want to persuade people, be calm about it."
"You know you're a good mime when you move yourself to tears."
"You have to find your peace in something that you can't lose."
Grandma on the Subway, Greed, Night to Shine, It's So Cold, Asperger's on the Job, Trying to be a Christian, Valentines and Marriage, Older and Wiser, Singles' Mixer;
"We live in an incredible fearful culture. It's wonderful when you see someone love and give up their fear."
"A party for people on the margins is a party I believe Jesus would be at."
"I hope you used your time wisely to really focus on George Washington."
"When you care less about what people think of you it will make life more fun."
Super Bowl Predictions and Miming, Mime Lawyers, Forgiving Is Supernatural, Night to Shine, "On Fleek" Date, Honesty Cafe, Being Childlike, The Pixar Story, Save the Alien Planet;
"The cynicism on this program...I frankly object to it."
"How do you trademark mime moves?"
"My love for others can't be contingent on them agreeing with me"
"How about people who believe in Jesus becoming the go to place for people that feel like they don't fit in. How wonderful would that be?"
The Little Things, Secret Workouts, Honesty Cafe, When You Get Older, Key to Marriage, Women and Clothes, The New Colonel Sanders, Religions Aren't the Same, Let's Call Him Dave, Not Good People;
"If you've ever watched the Muppet Show, that's what we are here. Sherri is
Scooter. I'm Gonzo."
"God's not impressed with you on the big stage. He wants your faithfulness over the little things."
"We're trying to be cool on this show. I've been told we don't always make it there."
"We're doing Mad Lib radio."
"You can take Jesus or leave him but what you can't do is tell me he's like
everybody else."