Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


Special Oddcast! Lisa Anderson!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Lisa Anderson talks about the highs and lows of being single in our current church culture. Lisa is the director of Boundless and young adults at Focus on the Family and hosts The Boundless Show.  She’s the author of The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage with Purpose.


October 22nd Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Listener Uniform Question, No Apostrophe, Loving People, Octagon of Biblical Knowledge Exposure to Christians, Stories of Grace, Nerd Fight Over Star Wars, Welcome Misfits, 75 Hours of 'Never Gonna Give You Up', Sheep Stats/Discipleship, Rules to the Show
"The goals of the show: to encourage you and world domination."
"Base the way you love people NOT on what they have done for you but on how God has loved you."
"I want to get better and better of loving people."
"Lord of the Rings is better than Star Wars There is no analog to Jar Jar Binks in Lord of the Rings. And I rest my case."
"We have 2 dueling mottoes: Welcome Misfits and Stick Through the Hate."


October 21st Oddcast! 1 Year Anniversary!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Honesty Cafe, Birds Are Our Friends, The King's Party, Creepy Kid's Shows, The Way You Do Things, Medical Assistant Day, Depression, Identity In Christ, OK Corral Tip, BONUS MATERIAL: Our 1 Year Anniversary!!!!!!!!
"Stop slandering birds. All they want is love"
"Brant uses the Bible for the win. FTW!"
"Most of us have more than our needs met. Instead of resenting it, we should be like "man, God is so good to me!"
"My opinion of me cannot trump God's opinion of me."


October 20th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

5 Cents Savings, New to the Show, People Are Crazy, The Transcription App, The Honesty Cafe, A Cashless Society, Many Paths to God, Nerd Fight
"People who don't fight through the initial hate of the show...well, we don't hear from them anymore."
"Deep down we're all flawed, we're all broken."
"If you're going to be in community with people they are going to stress you and test you and be happy when that happens because that means you're actually getting to know people."
"We always think we're going to achieve some Utopia at work. It's never gonna happen."
"Jesus doesn't allow you to think the problems are from outside and the answers are inside me. He flips that upside down. You are the problem and HE is the answer. It takes humility to accept that."
"I'm starting a nerd fight with the Star Wars' People"


October 19th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Oprah's Favorite Scripture, Listener Uniform Update, Back to the Future, Politeness with Family, Mime the News, I Saw The Light, Love at First Sight, Sci-Fi Question: Free Shoes vs. I.Q. Points, We're All Vulnerable, Bored At Work, Made to Love Music, Punkin Chunkin
"My role is to share information regardless of how it makes people feel. That's my role"
"I'll call 911 and say 'hey, one of my listeners is down'"
"Why not try to be doubly polite to the people in your house"
"God made us to enjoy music"


October 16th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

You Smell Like_____, Underdog Hall of Fame, Brant @ Subway, What's Trending, Fear, Save the Alien Planet, Thriving at Serving, "Getting" Brant, Absorbing God's Love, The Advice Goats. Marriage Advice, Honesty Cafe, You're Valuable, Moving
"We tear your stuff a part, take all your money, and yell at ya! Customer Service."
"If Brant is making friends, think what you are capable of doing, guys"
"If you fear God, you don't have to feel anything else."


October 15th Oddcast! Plus Bonus Content!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Baby Moose Update, Skeptics, Story Time With Uncle Brant, Stop "Legit", New to the Show, Honesty Cafe, Checking Our Voicemail, Texting Addictions, Sea Salt Chocolate, Sci-Fi Question: Keeping Your 30 year old Mind/Body, BONUS MATERIAL: Changing Your Environment
"People see me as the 'arbiter of cool'"
"We trust you with God. We can't wait to see what He does with you...and us!"
"It's just a huge, sweeping blanket accusation of immaturity on the part of people who aren't like me."


October 14th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Truly Manly Picture, National Skeptic Day, Honesty Cafe, God Knows You, The VW Movie, Politics and the Kingdom of God, Story Time With Uncle Brant, Save the Alien Planet, How to View the Poor, The Heart, Brant's Birthday, Bosses' Day
"I could win you to my political point of view, but I don't want to do that at the expense of the Kingdom of God."
"Protecting the vulnerable is what being manly is truly about."
"God knows me better than I know myself and still loves me. Now I don't have to pretend to be "Mr. Religious Man" anymore. What a relief!"
"You can reject God, but you're gonna make a god out of something else. That's just how we're made."


October 13th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Story Time with Uncle Brant, New to the Show, Shipping Fall Leaves, The Robot Take-Over, The Prosperity Tweet, The Martian, Honesty Cafe, Jesus Turns Everything Upside Down, How Brant & Sherri Met, Controlling People
"Some of the best features are when they are a surprise to the producer of the show. Then she knows she's really not in control."
"You name your price sir. Those are good looking leaves."
"We know we're amateurs. The question is: Are you willing to have amateurs as 
"There is something so good about the Gospel that you don't have to be rich, you don't have to be poor, you just have to be humble enough to say 'God, I need you.'"
"Jesus redefined the idea of what will make people happy."


October 12th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Power Chair Story, Not A Good Person, Guilt, Holiness, Love Them, Monday Song, Yearning For God, Bossy Sign People, Best Good Morning Response Ever, Pumpkin Spice Latte Conspiracy
"Call us if you want a hug."
"We get angry when people imply that we are not a good person."
"You have to realize when people are behaving a certain way, it's not about you"
"Have we finally jumped the pumpkin spice shark?


October 8th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

SUP, Not Feeling Spiritual, End of the World, What's Trending, 8 Words at a Party, Controlling Your Attitude, Blunt Friends, Justin Bieber, Forgiveness, Phubbing
"If you're struggling feeling God, make a list of things that are true that God has done for  you.'
"God's not looking for us to feel 'inspired' everyday. Obedience and a heart that's towards Him, THAT'S what He's looking for."
"I'm usually the guy going on and on about WWI"
"While His character is consistent, He still continues to surprise us. God won't be subject to our formulas. He just won't."


October 7th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Forgiveness, Elbow Health, Chick Fil-a Tweet, How Jesus Sees Humans, Underdog Hall of Fame, We Need People, Advice Goats, New to the Show, The Martian, Living In Community
"My health tip for our listeners is to not fall down the stairs. You can hurt your elbows."
"There's a difference between studying stuff and actually DOING stuff."
"The Advice Goats believe Producer Sherri may slow down the momentum of the show."
"We're just as relevant as all those fancy, well funded shows."
"God could have just given us a book. He didn't. He gave us himself, physically to come into our neighborhood."

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