Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


February 17th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Christmas Tree Worm, Getting and Wanting Attention, Singles Mixer, Miming the News, Kendrick Lamaar/Grammys, Achieving Happiness, Baby Name Spite, Giga-Mansion, Sinful Cities;
"Since we started talking 30 seconds ago, I've already begged you to give me a chance. That's not normal for radio."
"If you want to persuade people, be calm about it."
"You know you're a good mime when you move yourself to tears."
"You have to find your peace in something that you can't lose."


February 16th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Grandma on the Subway, Greed, Night to Shine, It's So Cold, Asperger's on the Job, Trying to be a Christian, Valentines and Marriage, Older and Wiser, Singles' Mixer;
"We live in an incredible fearful culture. It's wonderful when you see someone love and give up their fear."
"A party for people on the margins is a party I believe Jesus would be at."
"I hope you used your time wisely to really focus on George Washington."
"When you care less about what people think of you it will make life more fun."


Special Oddcast! Outtakes!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

22 minutes and 48 seconds of Brant & Sherri messing up. What more could you ask for??


February 5th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Super Bowl Predictions and Miming, Mime Lawyers, Forgiving Is Supernatural, Night to Shine, "On Fleek" Date, Honesty Cafe, Being Childlike, The Pixar Story, Save the Alien Planet;
"The cynicism on this program...I frankly object to it."
"How do you trademark mime moves?"
"My love for others can't be contingent on them agreeing with me"
"How about people who believe in Jesus becoming the go to place for people that feel like they don't fit in. How wonderful would that be?"


February 4th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Little Things, Secret Workouts, Honesty Cafe, When You Get Older, Key to Marriage, Women and Clothes, The New Colonel Sanders, Religions Aren't the Same, Let's Call Him Dave, Not Good People;
"If you've ever watched the Muppet Show, that's what we are here. Sherri is
Scooter. I'm Gonzo."
"God's not impressed with you on the big stage. He wants your faithfulness over the little things."
"We're trying to be cool on this show. I've been told we don't always make it there."
"We're doing Mad Lib radio."
"You can take Jesus or leave him but what you can't do is tell me he's like
everybody else."


February 3rd Oddcast! Plus Tim Tebow!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Robot Eye Contact, Community, Station Probation, Health Tip Guy, Tired of Being Good Looking, Repentance, Tim Tebow, Correcting People Bossy Headlines, Kamikaze Karaoke, The Accordion Blues


February 2nd Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

God Identifies with the Vulnerable, Ground Hog's Day, Being Anxious, Honesty Cafe, God and Sleep, That Storm Is NOT Jonas, When the Bible Reads You, Tube Transportation, Half Time Superbowl Show, Mr. Warmth, Welcome to the Show
"It's fun to trap people with facts. That's why I'm invited to parties."
"Groundhogs don't get enough cred."
"God identifies with the vulnerable, that means I better, too."
"When you get anxious about doing something good, think about why you're doing it and then do it anyway."


February 1st Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Accordion Blues, New Barbie, Tebow & Brant, Confession/Relief, Superbowl Stadium Mistake, Men Taking Care of People, More Toast, Returning Clothes, We All Worship Something, Teens Clean Your Room, Saying "I Don't Know," I Saw the Light, Success and God, Save the Alien Planet
"You know I'm cool because I said 'Sup'."
"God tells us to work like He's our boss. That helps us more than it helps Him."
"As men we were made to take care of people. It's a beautiful thing."
"We are worshiping machines. We will all worship something."


January 29th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Can't Dress Himself, Your Dream Half Time Show, A Final Word on Saeed Abedini, Spouse Week, Wanting To Be Famous, When the Police Come Because of your Singing, Who Do You Say Jesus Is?, Survival Skills for 18-year olds, Step-Parents, Writing People Off, Miming the News, Multi-Tasking, Fun At Work Week
"Undiagnosible. That's Producer Sherri"
"Do you really think Gandalf would beat Obi Wan-Kenobi?"
"I have real hope because of who Jesus is."
"Sometimes the most loving thing  you can do for a person is NOT put them on a pedal stool."
"The ladies at the Macy's counter showed me how to do my mime make-up better."


January 28th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Makes Friends at the Doctor's Office, Be Nice To Middle Aged Guys: Peyton Manning, Dancing @ Starbuck's, Keep Going, Lowering Standards, Social Media Arguments, It's So Cold Jokes, Taking Care of Kinds in Hospice, Initiating Hugs, Sacrifice  Instead of Arguing, The Age of Hobbits, Supernatural Love, Judging with Robes & Gavels, Meet Crazy Cat Lady
"God uses our weaknesses to show case His strength"
"There are times our standards for the show drop through the floor."
"When you're about to argue with someone on social media, think about the end game."
"I'm taking the guess work out of this and I'm initiating hugs."


January 27th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Stories of Grace, Stay In Your Lane App, Truth In Love, $34 Million Car, God Has a Team, Dream Halftime Super Bowl Show, Knitting and Relaxing, Complaining, Social Facts at the Doctor's Office, Wrong Football Shirts, We're All Looking for God
"I didn't need an app in jr. high to tell me who was out of my league. It was abundantly clear."
"Don't hit Brant with your needles."
"When you complain less you know you're growing up."
"Since when do we have a quality control filter on this program?"


January 26th Oddcast! Plus Bonus Content - The Snow!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

"Rain Shower Bill", FB Friends vs. Real Friends, Super Bowl Cold Play, Too Much Marathon, Getting Older/Maturity, Bass Pro Brant, Emojis, Listening to People, The "Destroy Everything Store", People Affirming Your Ideas, Opposite Day, Knowing You Have a Problem, Communal McDonald's, Hard To Pray, The Snow 
"People at the Weather Channel are some of the most powerful people on Earth."
"My Mom said these people are still kind of my friends. I don't care what researchers say.'
"Humility and depending on God go a long way towards maturity."
"It's good to have my producer turn me in to the authorities with no supporting evidence."
"If I only listen to the people who affirm what I think, then I'll never listen to God. He doesn't do that."

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