Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


April 21st Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Starts a Conversation, God's Love, Doing the Right Thing for The Wrong 
Reason, Drafting Fictional Characters, Save the Alien Planet, Banning the Prom, The Unoffendable Discussion
"I'm turning this into a Russian piece of some sort. I didn't mean to."
"God's love is different than any other love we've known. It expects nothing in return."
"Jesus cares deeply about our motives"
"Thank you science for vindicating this program"
"Larry the Cucumber is going to make a better life for him and his family"


April 20th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant's Army, Being Unoffendable, Day of Awesome, The Podcast, Prayer, I Saw the Light, The Persecuted Church, No Thank You, Tebow to the Eagles
"I will issue edicts and decrees and you keep them. Then everything is cool"
"Humans like to be self-righteous. It's universal."
"I am almost a real professional radio host. I'm getting so close. It's inspiring"


April 17th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

We Want Your Autograph, Brant's Book Giveaway Contest: Demolish and Fellowship, Cheating at Board Games, Forgiveness, God and the Stars, Survival School, Getting Men to Listen, Missionary Spy, Bird in the House, The Sizzler and Brant: Tweeps, Getting Older, Saeed Abedini
"Look Sherri, at the end I need you to tell me I'm awesome"
"My next book is entitled 'Demolish and Fellowship'"
"Just because you have a tent doesn't mean you have a jetpack"
"Missions, spies, danger, gospel...ALL OF IT!"
"It really comes down to 'Do I believe God is good?'"
"If you know that you've been busted, like the thief on the cross and yet forgiven, you're not gonna block other people from getting in on the party"


April 16th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

God Knows You, Sherri vs. Baby Birds, Brant's Book Giveaway Contest, Stories of Grace, Book Release Party, Ideal Listener, Wisdom, Just Like Friends, A Book About Worry, Throw Away Battleship, Colonel Mustard's Last Stand
"The thing about grace, when you see never forget it"
"Somehow, someway, God knows my actual thoughts, how I really am... and STILL loves me."
"Ask me about 1935 Sci-Fi stuff"
"We don't ask much on the show...just that you assimilate yourself into an army of minions willing to do my bidding"
"You don't HAVE to get wiser as you get older. Hopefully you will"


April 15th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Kale Smoothie, Brant's Book Giveaway Contest, The Best/Worst Thing About Aging, J Lo Wins, Forgiveness, Survival School, Being Down on Yourself, Colonel Cuddly, Sherri Is a Handful, Success
"You actually know date  to commemorate your 1/2 birthday?"
"Wisdom is being able to look at life and know what matters and what doesn't matter in a relative sense"
"I have to watch the news for my job. If I didn't I would be singularly uninformed."
"Forgiveness is the defining thing for Christians"


April 14th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Myth of Secret Sins, Brant's Book Giveaway Contest, Brant's Book Release Party, Why Should We Pray?, Save the Alien Planet, Girls Asking Guys Out, 9 Ways to Wear Pants, Competing with Dad, The Awkward Jog of Gratitude, Unfulfilled Desires
"Private sin is a myth. Any 'secret' sin your in affects other people"
"You can go to if you want your grandma humbled."
"God delights in us as a father and wants us to know that He hears what we say, He's involved with us, and He's never leaving us."
"Until that last 30 seconds...I really was sounding like I knew what I was talking about"
"I know exactly how to wear my pants: on my legs"


April 13th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Welcome to the Show, Small Talk, Brant's Book Release Party, Master's Miniature Golf, I Saw the Light, Forgiveness, The Opposite of Shoplifting, Uniform Social Problems, Day of Awesome, Autism Awareness Month
"I'm a little bit of an acquired taste."
"Welcome to the show that teaches you nothing."
"For the Master's Golf Tournament, why can't they have robotic monkeys that scoop your ball up and throw it back at you?"
"Forgiving someone who trespasses against you is a very narrow way and most people won't choose it."
"My inability forgive shows a gross misunderstanding of what Calvary actually meant"


April 10th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant's Book Release Party, Joke Factory, Forgiveness (The Police Shooting in South Carolina), Unoffendable Book Give-a-way, Stories of Grace, Boxing with Your iPhone, Secrets Extroverts Should Know About Introverts, Colonel  Cuddly, Awesom-tism
"Coming up with a joke is not a pleasant process. A salute to you Joke Makers!"
"I don't think the listeners have done a good job. I think they've failed us."
"Anybody named Robin has been stricken from buying my book"
"Maybe forgiving someone is not natural, maybe it's something supernatural God does through you"


April 9th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Prayer, Brant and Sherri Visit YOU, God Want to be with Us, Joke Factory, Prom-posal, Brant's Disastrous Prom Story, Loving Your Enemies, Hot-Tubbing with C.S. Lewis, The Rock Diet, The Book Launch Party and Uniforms
"The glitter in my hair will be removed"
"You don't have to wait until you're good at prayer to do it"
"When you forgive your enemies you begin to understand exactly how good God has been to us"
"A lot of us want to be known. God knows you and He loves you"
"God's not after our stuff. He wants you. He wants your heart. The other stuff will follow"
"What does a moose and H&R Block have in common?"


April 8th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

You Had ONE Job, Brackets of Awesomeness National Champion, Joke Factory: H&R Block and a Moose, The Christie Brinkley Bird Attack, Social Media Tip from the Bible, Husband Heart Change, The Unoffendable Book Release Problem, Fan Club Up to 1, IKEA Nap, Who God Chooses, Call of Duty Retirement
"I basically need to talk and remember what the phone # is?"
"We don't know what the protocol is for rioting over baby goats"
"God prefers to use the underdog so He gets the credit"
"If you want to be known as a Christian, you need to be known as a person that 
brings peace into the room"
"God favors the lowly over the high and mighty"


April 7th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Remembering Life Events, One-Job Epic Fail, Anger, Armed with a Fact, Think on These Things, Brant's Book Release Party, Saeed Abedini, Venting Anger, Presume 
"Remind yourself of what's true. That's what helps with worries. God loves you and He's in control"
"Basically we're skeet shooting my ideas. I send them up and they're shot down immediately"
"It's nothing but Thurston Howell stuff and frankly I'm sick of it"
"I have to presume the best of people's intentions"


April 6th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brackets of Awesomeness Final Match-up, Unoffendable Google Hangout Book Release Party, The Monday Song, Asperger, The Unoffendable Frank Kaminsky, When Kids Stare, When Sherri Met Brant, Jesus in the Movies
"I'll be making toast and I'll have a bow time on"
"Death is the enemy and it has been defeated"
"Sherri saw me as a mixture between a swashbuckling archaeologist and a wizard from middle earth"
"It's unlikely that Jesus actually had movie star good looks"
"If you're a follower of Jesus, you've got to want to be around people and people have got to want to be around you"
"As you learn more about Jesus, not the trappings we've put on him culturally, but more about God himself, you're gonna be drawn to him"
"It's striking when you see someone use grace"

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