Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
Losing A Childhood Friend, A Plethora of Administrators, Uno-ffendable, Women/Men and Compliments, Brant's New Hair, Church Is Not a Place, Sci-Fi Question: The Magic Pizza Ticket, Dealing With Anger, Christians & Culture, How A Relationship With God Works, Everybody Believes In God
"Universities have administrators for every man, woman, and child within a 20 mile radius"
"I think it's a good on-air hair style"
"Church is not a place, it's a people."
"Atheists say there is no God. I say there is. But we're both living like I'm right."
Climbing Yosemite, Wisdom, Save Alien Planet, You Are NOT Your Job, Brant and Brad Pitt, I Saw the Light, Non-Verbal Communication, Putting the Listener in Their Place, This Week Is Going to Rock Because_______________, Waterfall Facts
"Wisdom is not boring. Wisdom allows you to do exciting things because you didn't make stupid decisions."
"Sometimes you save a planet, sometimes you don't. Fist Bump!"
"You are not your job. God looks at you without a resume"
"I read the Bible because I've got to see what God says about me."
"We just need more banjo in our lives. That is our thesis here."
Video Games, Internet Anger, Without Love, Servant Waitress, Sci-Fi Question: George Clooney vs. Funny Ben Franklin, Judgmental, Brant's Possible New Hair
"I'm gonna do a fundraiser called Farmville Aid and invite Mellencamp and stuff"
"It's frustrating when people are not even mocking your real beliefs. They're mocking their idea of your belief"
"Venting anger on social media doesn't diminish anger. It amplifies it."
"Tell them what they've won Brant...nothing. We don't have prizes here."
Mr. Steve, Sci-Fi Question: Paid Vacation vs. IQ Points, Pray for Wisdom, Forgiveness, History Segment: Paper Cutter, The Podcast: Weird Friends, Survival School, Norm-Core, Never Crushed, Words Can Hurt, Steph Curry Mistake
"Sometimes we see people as walking trees, we don't see God has invested his image in them."
"As a parent of little kids you feel like you're bleeding I.Q. points"
"The opposite of wisdom is foolishness. Foolishness will always cause pain."
"Once a Musk Ox is enraged, there's not much you can do"
Wife In Your Phone Contacts, Hipster Jeopardy, Norm-Core, Prayer, I Saw the Light, Reading Your Bible, This Week's Gonna Rock Because ____________, Later You'll Understand, Video of the Day, Immaturity
"I'm starting a new trend called Abnorm-core. It involves puppet."
"If God revealed everything to you, your head would explode. You wouldn't be able to process the information."
"We're afraid that God's not gonna get it right. That's what causes us to worry."
"If you don't learn what God is actually like and remind yourself of it often, you'll start to create him into what you wanted anyway."
"I don't want a God of my making. He's not nearly good enough. He's not nearly powerful enough."
Making Friends, The Underdog Hall of Fame, Apple Pie and Cheddar, The Miss-Spelling Bee, Saeed Abedini, Supernatural Peace, Survival School, The Spinning House
"This is gonna hurt, isn't it?"
"Sherri's mom has all the characteristics of Sherri without the edge."
"God promises us supernatural peace in the worst circumstances if we turn towards Him"
"Survival School is appreciated though never requested."
7-Year Old Football Contract, The Underdog Hall of Fame, The Ministry Castle, Humans and Self Righteousness, Kid Fixations, Guys Fixing Things, An Excitement Jolt, Miss Universe, Eulogy vs. Resume, Save the Alien Planet
"You love to see someone who has been dealt a difficult hand of cards to play be treated like royalty"
"No one's listening anymore, but let's pretend they are"
"All humans are self-righteous, not just so-called Christians"
"What planet has dominated the Miss Universe contest for the last 60 years? Earth. The rest of the universe can't hold a candle to us"
"I want my kids to be built up according to their character not their resume."
You Are Welcome, The 16 Things Highly Successful People Do on Monday Morning, Spiritual Losers, When Birds Attack, Needing Validation, God Loves You, Loving Others, Dealing With Anger, Cheese or Font, Praying for People
"You're adding a blanket of humanity to your email and we don't even know what you're talking about"
"People use to actually get SICK with religion"
"Rebellion is like chains. Be done with it. Grow up and run the race"
"Maybe you built your house on the bird's ancestral sqwaking ground"
"God doesn't need you to be famous to use you"
"Do you know your cheeses?"
The Marine and His Bride Picture, Lebron=Brant?, History Segment: The Phone Book, Man Lessons From Jesus, Digital Pants, I Saw the Light, This Week Will Rock Because_______, Jim Gafigan Show, Be Encouraging, Laughing With Sherri
"I want to take man lessons from Jesus"
"Women are attracted to men that are willing to take responsibility"
"If you had your name in the phone book you were a nobody. Special people paid NOT to have their name in the book"
"This show starts strange and gets weirder"
"I don't want digital pants. It's just another thing I have to remember to shut off before a movie or church"
"The big, fake Eiffel tower is calling your name"