Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


April 28th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Cuddling Your Dog, Drafting Jason Gray as a Friend, Stick with
the Program, Checklists with God, Gracious at the Drive-Thru,
Honoring Dr. Jerry Umanos, The Average Christian, If You're Not a
Misfit, Grandma/Cursive, Joke Spa, The Myth of Private Sin, Hi-Five
Day, The $50 Ticket;
"My dogs are gonna cuddle with me whether they like it or
"God is not interested in us checking boxes on a checklist. He
wants our heart."
"The name of our band is 'Jason Gray' and the other
"The perfecter of my faith doesn't tear people apart. He
stitches people back together again."
"Coin collectors make me so mad."


April 27th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

When You Fail, Quiet Time in Stores, Smaller Plates, Relating
to God, Songs of Advice, The Coffee Study, Bass Clef Petition,
Honesty Cafe, Schoolie McSchoolFace, Coming Off Too Preachy, Save
the Alien Planet;
"Can you bake my plate and put glaze on it."
"Just because you're not having an emotional response to God
doesn't mean He 
walked out the door."
"I want to ban the Bass Clef."
"We're the media, too guys."


April 26th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Kelly/Brant Then Sherri, History Segment: TV Guide, The Brant
Hansen Show Joke Spa, National Admin Day, Honesty Cafe, NFL
Drafting Friends, Believing vs. Trusting, Sci-Fi Question, Working
With People You Don't Like, The Bible Is Not a Fairy Tale, A Selfie
at Abe Lincoln's Grave, The Wombat Cuddler Job Update, Cleaning Up
Your Kids;
"We live in a time where everyone thinks they're really,
really smart."
"Stay in your car for 3 weeks and listen to our show."
"God is a loving Father that actually wants you!"
"God uses difficult people to refine our character. Sometimes
that's the only way it's going to happen."


April 25th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Social Tip, Smartest Man In Universe, The Prodigal Son, The
7-Hour Movie Trailer, I Saw the Light, Inconvenient Love, Visiting
Listeners, Attention Surplus Disorder, At the End of Your Rope,
 Tax Season;
"It's obvious someone is in charge, we just don't want to
humble ourselves."
"This is the time of year when you may have to interact with
other humans."
"You may have picked up from Sherri an undertone of
"If I went to a movie that was over 700 hours long, I would be
tempted to smuggle snacks in."


April 20th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Heroic Faith, Daily Faithfulness, Jars of Kobe Air, The Storks: Clepetan and Melena, Life on Your Own Terms, Kamikaze, Karaoke, Joke Spa, Sympathy Hotline, Shopping for a Religion, Save the Alien Planet, Faithful Over the Little Things, Welcome Misfits,  Cut Yourself Some Slack;
"This isn't a jar of air from the Lakers game. This is OKC Thunder air."
"Get off of Clepetan the Stork's case."
"Success is living on His terms not mine."
"The humor contained in that joke will cause you to relax."
"If you're shopping for a religion that makes you feel good, Christianity is not a good option."


April 19th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Joke Spa, Struggling to Believe All You Can Eat Fries, Sci-Fi Question: Laundry Robot, Abe Lincoln Chin Straps Revisited, Honesty Cafe, Laundry and Faithfulness, When Kids Are Wayward, Proms for Other People;
"God comes to us and he heals, not lectures. How wonderful is that?"
"God is asking for faithfulness. That is heroic."
"I'm gonna put hot rocks on your face to relax you."


April 13th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Joke Spa, God is a Healer, Black Coffee and Psychopaths, The Job of a Wombat Cuddler, Honesty Cafe, Love Your Enemies, "I See Where You're Coming From", PBS Stealing from The Brant Hansen Show, Paid to be Cool;
"God is a healer and healing makes all the difference in the world."
"So you not drinking coffee gives you all the anecdotal evidence you need to declare those who drink coffee black may be psychopaths."
"I don't know what kind of fear based world you live in where you think kangaroos are beating humans down."
"PBS continues to steal things from our show."


April 12th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Women Sizing Each Other Up, Miming the News, Social Tips from Brant, Politicians/Dads, A Gentle Word, Save the Alien Planet, National Tattoo Day, Honesty Cafe, Does Everyone Go to Heaven?, $218 Trillion Phone Bill;
"When I see candidates on campaign posters with their kids I want to vote against them so they can have more time with their kids."
"That was a very physical mime. My makeup is a mess and I have to put my beret back on."
"Gentleness is an effective way to help change people's minds."
"Blowing up the planet is so much more dramatic for everyone, Sherri."
"When the Department of Zig says zig, I zag."
"I'd like to get a tattoo of an owl with glasses across my whole back."


April 11th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Friends on the Radio, Rolling Stories, Feeling Spiritual, Accordion Scales, Spiritual People, Brant and Tap Dance, Child-likeness, Addicted to Attention, Too Attractive, Jokes and Productivity, Rage Yoga, Dealing with Anger;
"If you're not feeling spiritual, God still loves you. How about that?"
"The joke falls flat when someone says 'you're not suppose to squeeze the piano.'"
"Girls didn't seem to like that I played the flute and took tap dance lessons."
"There's a child-likeness that comes with seeking God that makes you a ball!"


April 8th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Allergies, Let the Baseball Team Name Your Baby, Being Interested in Others,Brews and Beliefs Discussion, Recreating Forrest Gump, Getting Off the Phone, God and Your Happiness, Grammar Jerks, How To Be Ripped, Maybe You're Wrong, McGrinders;


April 7th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Dealing with Anger, Bible Experts, Songs of Advice, Save the Alien Planet, # of Words in an Email, The Honesty Survey, The Underdog Awards, The Ironic Anger Tweet, The California Walnut Commission, The Honesty Cafe, Do I Need to Go to Church?;
"Some situations you have to go into forgiving in advance."
"Forgiveness doesn't mean trust."
"We don't need to keep hearing about this grandma that dead lifts hundreds of 
pounds. Enough already."
"If you have the gift of the discouragement, prayerfully consider if you really want to call us."


April 6th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Lasers to Hide Earth, Honesty Cafe, Domino's Fast Pizza, The Problem with Peace Activists, 999 Mega Bytes Band, Sci-Fi Question: Looking Great vs. $500 to a Charity, Rejecting the Real Jesus, Kamikaze Karaoke, Brant Talking to Doctors, Praying for Annoying People, Getting Off the Phone;

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2157 I’m Going To Be Exactly The Caricature That You Suspect.
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