Hit the rewind button to catch up and go deeper with Real FM! On A-Side, you’ll hear weekly highlights from Real FM Radio shows like Afternoons with Ansen & Kara, Middays with Zoe, and more. On B-Side, your favorite Real FM radio hosts will press rewind together and take a deeper dive into their favorite songs and stories from the past week.


A-Side #59: Jan 15-19

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara talked about weird yet wholesome world records, a hotel made of ice, snow days, a bird arrested by the Dutch police, what makes you holy, and what do we do with our dreams...


B-Side #58: Losing Momentum

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Wande, pause to talk about those times when you lose momentum in life, and look forward to a gathering of fellow nerds.


A-Side #58: Jan 8th - Jan 12th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Ansen, Zoe, and Kara talked about Ansen being back from hibernation, personality tests, baking cakes, a cyclist with a broken leg, a moose licking PSA, and New Year resolutions and reflections, and more!


B-Side 57: The Joy of Dad Jokes

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from Riders, pause to deep dive into Zoe's current obsession with dad jokes, and Kara looks forward to bonding time with the teenagers in her family.


A-Side #57: Dec 18th - Dec 22nd

Real FM Rewind

This week, Ansen, Zoe, and Kara talked about cats eating wrapping paper, leaving food in unique places, not everyone is a gift giver, the Arrival fallacy, siblings (IYKYK), what would Jesus do if he went shopping, and we're all weird but some may be weirder than others...


B-Side #56: The Power of Story

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from Trip Lee and Hulvey, pause to discuss Kara's rekindled love of reading, and look forward to giving the alarm clock a break.


A-Side #56: Dec 11th - Dec 15th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara are talking about the need for Christmas, the significance of a small town called Bethlehem, Sir Camelot the Camel, lessons learned during church Bunco Night, terrible Advent calendars, and a rooster who wears little boots...


B-Side #55: Holiday Traditions

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Elle Limebear and Limoblaze, pause to share about their favorite Holiday traditions, and look forward to a new season of adulting.


A-Side #55: Dec 4th - Dec 8th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara talked about ginger bread houses, cats being involved in wedding proposals, the confidence some people have in landing planes, the nicknames toddlers give us, advent traditions, a PSA for your oven safety, how jamming out in your car can make someone's day, and alas we all missed National Cookie Day...


B-Side #54: The Best Christmas Memories

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from Phil Wickham, pause to discuss how the best Christmas memories involve so much more than gifts, and look forward to a grown up birthday celebration.


A-Side: #54 Nov 27th - Dec 1st

Real FM Rewind

This week, Ansen, Zoe and Kara talked about McDonald's Adult Happy Meals, Stanley thermoses being fireproof, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, orange juice savings turned into millions, not feeling like you're enough this holiday season, and a kitten named Tiny Tim...


B-Side #53: Gift Guides

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from NSYNC, pause to share each of their picks for a holiday gift guide, and look forward to delicious Thanksgiving food.

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