Hit the rewind button to catch up and go deeper with Real FM! On A-Side, you’ll hear weekly highlights from Real FM Radio shows like Afternoons with Ansen & Kara, Middays with Zoe, and more. On B-Side, your favorite Real FM radio hosts will press rewind together and take a deeper dive into their favorite songs and stories from the past week.


A-Side #65: Feb 26th - Mar 1st

Real FM Rewind

This week, Ansen, Kara, and Zoe talked about the "messy middle" of our lives, eating massive burritos, something you SHOULD NOT do to your iPhone, birthday plans, unlearning things from youth group, having teen siblings, wanting your kids to learn chores and knowing its not going to go well, and not feeling like you're doing enough...


B-Side #64: Direction vs. Perfection

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Apollo LTD, pause to talk about the problems and process of sanctification, and look forward to an epic 25th birthday celebration!


A-Side #64: Feb 19th - Feb 23rd

Real FM Rewind

This week, Ansen, Kara, and Zoe talked about sanctification, a PSA on baking pies, an internet debate on lamps, saying to yourself "how hard can this be?" and the fear of eating outside at restaurants... and more!


B-Side #63: Come Anyway

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from Tori Kelly, pause to discuss the very relatable struggle of being too busy to do God stuff, and a very timely reminder Zoe received to "come anyway," and finally look forward to laughing with friends over Lego Batman.


A-Side #63: Feb 12th - 16th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen, and Kara talked about pet detectives, nameless super bowl desserts, Ansen going perhaps a little bit crazy, the pits in our stomach, dealing with conflict, and how Scripture is like a river...


B-Side #62: Superbowl Snackies

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Tauren Wells, We the Kingdom and Davies, pause to talk Superbowl traditions and snacks, and look forward to finding a new way to celebrate Valentine's Day.


A-Side #62: Feb 5th - Feb 9th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara talked about Groundhog's day, introverted dogs, failing a very important task because of a cute animal, fitbits being insightful, grocery shopping epiphany, tea parties, struggling with faith, and our lost wonder as adults...


B-Side #61: Your Anxiety is Making Me Anxious

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from NEEDTOBREATHE and Judah and the Lion, pause to discuss how our culture's current obsession with anxiety might be contributing to our anxiety, and look forward to defeating sickness and hanging out with friends.


A Side #61: Jan 29th - Feb 2nd

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara are talking about a record breaking Ferris wheel, a sports ball update, adventures in adulting, drive-thru goodness, a hilarious and relatable DJ story, studying apologetics, the struggles of being sick, and a world shattering tweet from our favorite red, furry friend...


B-Side #60: Oscar Talk

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on-repeat song of the week from Asher Postman, pause to discuss ALL the feelings (and non-feelings) about the Oscars, and look forward to some new food adventures with friends.


A-Side #60: Jan 22 - Jan 26

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara talked about a new Chicago attraction called the "rat hole", Kara shares the new TikTok trend "Ice Talk" and Ansen is tormented by riddles... and much more!


B-Side #59: Who Do You Want to Be?

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on-repeat song of the week from Roy Tosh and Kurtis Hoppie, pause to talk about the role of identity in the formation of new habits, and look forward to a new adaptation of a beloved story.

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