Welcome to Reel Review! This is where Zoe helps answer the question, "Should I see this?" and invites you into a deeper conversation about the story's themes and message.
This is Reel 2, Part 1. The deep dive that Zoe had with her special guest, Caleb "Cable" Takenaka, went longer than expected but it was an interesting conversation so it is split into two parts for your enjoyment. Cable and Zoe look at Christian movies as a whole: what their reputation has been, where we stand currently, and what to look forward to from Christian filmmakers--or as Cable and Zoe explain, "filmmakers who are Christian" and the difference that makes.
Filmmakers are artists and storytellers, bearing the image of God through their craft, and hopefully weaving a story that points a viewer back to the greatest storyteller ever: God. It is a challenging thing to do both in terms of the artistic craftsmanship and in character-driven storytelling. But it is important to walk this fine line because stories have the power to make people think and feel...
Reel 2: A Holistic Review of Christian Movies (Part 1)