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February is here! We're keeping the new music coming with our February Fresh Finds. Without further ado, here's 5 Real FM Fresh Finds you need to hear this week.


When you know you’re loved, it changes everything.  Because when you know you’re loved, you’re free to share that love.  This month, Real FM is inviting you to share Letters of Love with senior citizens in our community, both those living in nursing homes or homebound. Time to get out the glue sticks and scissors and get crafty.


There is no feat of humanity’s mind, heart, soul, or strength that can help us reach God. It all falls short no matter how formidable it might seem—the mind’s highest thoughts, the heart’s most passionate experiences, the soul’s deepest intuition, the body’s greatest achievements. No, God is higher, richer, deeper, greater.


Each New Year we hit the reset button as a culture and consider again who we’ve been, who we are, and who we’d like to be in the next year. First, we reflect on how we want to reset in 2022 and begin trying to live that out.


Happy New Year! Here at Real FM, we're celebrating the calendar flipping over to 2022 in the only way we know how: with some certified bangers! We've got a great selection of Real FM Fresh Finds for you this week.  Here's our five newest tracks that you absolutely need to hear.


Each January we get an opportunity to reset our lives.  I can’t help but think of the reset button on my original Nintendo back in the day. I would press that reset button so much to try to get those game cartridges to work properly.


There are lingering concerns about Covid to be sure, but it also seems like we are emerging from the pandemic and at least some of the fallout—like a bear might emerge from its hibernation. We’re entering the winter season on the one hand, and yet on the other hand we are emerging from the winter that was Covid.


Hey there, it's Isaac from Middays.  I've got some free concert tickets to give away! Needtobreathe and Switchfoot are coming to the AMP on October 19th.  I KNOW. I want you to be there. So quick, before they shut me down, here's how you get entered to win.


Justin, Staff Chaplain at Real FM, offers some insight on the powerful but simple act of hospitality, and Jesus' invitation to all of us to better love our neighbors.


Last week, Hurricane Ida made landfall on the Louisiana coast as a massive Category 4 storm and caused immense destruction as it came ashore. Thousands of people along the Gulf Coast have had their lives turned upside down because of the storm.