Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
The Scooby-Doo Movie, When You Can't See What God Is Doing, The Not Funny Tweet, Explaining God in a Text, TheMonday Song, Jesus Is Relevant, Worried About Money, The Silly Business of the Kingdom, Brant's Rewards Program, The Cross and Suffering, Dog Names, Advice and Gossip, The Ice Cream Revolt
"Don't get your advice from the same place you get your gossip"
"Jesus is so relevant to culture that we end up just ignoring him"
"The Scooby Doo cartoon was just CSI with a talking dog"
"The serious business of heaven is laughter"
Grace-Filled Soda Machine, Crying It Out, Leaving For College, Waste Time With Your Kids, Looking At Baby Pictures, America's Eyebrow Obsession, Laundry Quandary, Controlling People, Shelter Your Kids, Grandpa Brant, LotR Trivia Challenge, Parents with Real Faith, Dad Advice, God As Father
"Misspelling things makes you hip"
"You 6 month-olds are listening right now thinking 'I'm going to grow up and break
everyone's heart.'"
"Technology is the answer. Technology to the rescue."
"Shelter your kids, protect them. You're the Dad, Dad."
"Go to branthansen.com so you are equipped to tell people exactly what you don't like about this show."
Christian Because of Christians, Kick Yourself in the Face Guy, Brant's Street Cred, Greed, Back To School Nightmares, Facebook Fights, Turn Towards God, Expensive Grocery Stores, God Is Patient, Brant/Call of Duty/Dogs
"Rebellion takes a lot of effort and causes a lot of paint"
"There are hypocrites in the world in ALL phases of life and ALL belief systems"
"Who's to say that 'Kick Yourself In The Face Guy' is not every bit as accomplished as Marie Curie?"
"What street were you on where you acquired this cred?"
Super Attractive People App, Kathie Lee Gifford, Difficult People/Difficult Topics, What People Notice in Your House, Social Things to Remember, Spiritual Growth, Back to School Myths, Survival School, Clarity in Tough Ties, We're All Vulnerable, What's Going On?, Spiritual Business
"I extrapolate what I believe to everyone else and it makes life easier that way"
"When you are the super attractive apparently the struggle is real"
"You can't always tell if you've grown spiritually...sometimes you need someone else to point it out"
"People are obsessed with themselves when their immature. You want to grow out of it"
"God thinks we're significant"
Religious People Study, Astronauts With Bike Baskets, Spiritual Hairstyles, You're Not Alone, Saeed Abedini, Guys Dancing, Faith Clothes, Elevator to Space, Lost and Found Stories, Chased by a Rooster, Airplane Role Play, Bring It All
"God is not a computer in the sky or a cosmic sheriff"
"Jesus presumes that we would be one with our brothers and sisters who are suffering"
"When dancing on the dance floor I always approach with the attitude to win. Win the thing."
"I have a box of Sham-wows. I have no idea what to do with it."
"There's something really compelling about being redeemed"
Rooting For Tebow, Love God/Love People, Garage Sales and Introverts, The Monday Song, What If the News Is Good, LotR Go Fund Me, Kids Leaving for College, Moving Blues, Pray For Wisdom, Delta Airlines Loser, Save the Alien Planet
"People suspect you're not fully committed to the Lord if you're not rooting for Tim Tebow"
"If God just happens to agree with everything you say, you may not be relating to God as much as you're just relating to yourself.
"The absence of wisdom brings pain for you and everyone around you"