Porsha Love, a Detroit native, grew up loving music. As a teenager, she rapped secular music at local clubs. Around the age of 20, God started calling her to pursue her purpose. Shortly after Porsha was rebaptized and not only started to live a life seeking God but also started to incorporate that lifestyle within her music. In 2015 Porsha Love created a Christian Hip Hop Female Cypher and in 2016 it went viral. This opened up many doors for her and allowed her to be recognized within the CHH community. Porsha Love started her own tribe, called Love Tribe, is a purity advocate and has a movement called the HLY GRLs. Being a HLY GRL has empowered other women to thrive within their relationship with God far beyond the music. From hosting Indie Tribe’s Holy Smoke festival, to being featured twice on Reach Records 2021 Summer playlist with Don’t Worry Bout It and 70 Degrees, Porsha Love took 2021 by storm. In 2022 she released a new holy girl summer bop, “Helga” and collaborated with Reach Records yet again on the 2022 Summer playlist with a song titled, “Love So Sweet.” As Porsha continues to spread God's love and freedom throughout her music, we look forward to what the future has in store.
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