Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
God Knows You, Why Do We Pray?, Haggle Desk, The Wallaby and Teddy Bear Hug, God Retaliating to People, What Happens When You Believe, High Voltage Bed, Brant's Bike Basket, Non-Awesome Super Powers, Facebook Work Space, When You Mess Up, Survival School, Son with Asperger's, Facts on an Airplane
"God knows you through and through and He loves you. Can you actually breathe that in?"
"If you're looking for a less violent wake up experience, that's fine."
"I have a beef with normal people. We abnormal people have real questions for you."
"When God changes you He makes you more loving, more patient, and more joyful"
A Dance Hello, Help My Unbelief, A Pet Desert Tortoise, Talking on Planes, Underdog, Sci-Fi Question: Singing the National Anthem, Rooting for the Eagles, Volunteering for Cure in Niger, Spouting Nonsense, Spiritual Battles, Brownies with Nuts
"Please snuggle the Captain due to germ purposes"
"I could feel hopeless if I didn't see God uses misfits in the Bible"
"I will draw them into my conversation like a Venus Flytrap"
"I have to pray for the person I disagree with before I argue with them"
Wanting Resolution, Shorten Your Name, Handwriting Campaign, Stories of Grace, Save the Alien Planet, Rules of the Show, The Way Jesus Welcomes People, Sherri Is Wrong, Happiness is Serving Others, The Cool People Study, Our Job Is to Love
"God's just asking us to be faithful over what He places in front of you today. Not everything is going to be resolved."
"This show is about Jesus. He is alive and that is good news for all of us."
"The manual to my car has never been open and that proves my car is in tip top shape."
"Where doing a show on Christian radio and it's not about Christianity"
Chocolate Chip Day, Stop It with the Brownies w/Nuts, Re-Branding Christians?, Daddy Dances, Welcome Misfits, Marry Brant's Son, Sci-Fi Question: Free Travel vs. Aging, Writing a Book, Listener Uniforms, Can God Still Love Me?, Accordion Videos
"Christians don't need re-branding. There is no branding. This isn't a consumer product"
"Why don't we put a dish of nuts right next to the plate of brownies and if anyone wants nuts they can smoosh them in there themselves."
"Jesus is TOO relevant. That's the problem for a lot of us"
"Your next book will be entitled un-verklemptable"
"I'm gonna have it out with the author of "Butterfly Kisses" one day."
What's the Ultimate Thing?, New to the Show, Sleeve Strategy at an Interview, Something To Do With Your Life, Monday Song, How God Identifies Himself, The Hitchbot, Saeed Abedini, Where is God in Suffering, He's Holding Us Together, Brant Is EXACTLY What You Think, How God Sees Us
"For job interviews there is a certain sleeve strategy ."
"For me, I'm making the ultimate thing Jesus. Everything else can and will leave you."
"Sherri is like a filter for the show that can't stop everything."
"God is good. When I have to put all my chips on one space, it's that."
"Join me in rethinking every thing and living in light of the fact that God loves you."
God Loves Babies, Charadio, Social Tips, Snake in the Tub, Back to School, The Selfie-Stick, God Flips Everything Upside Down, The IKEA Game, Breaking Hamster News, Praying for Friends, OUTTAKE REEL
"Who am I do welcome you to any day of the week? Who do I think I am?"
"I'm so thankful that God is a healer and that He loves to stitch little lives back together"
"My new album is entitled 'It's on the Mime'"
"God is continually choosing who you and I wouldn't choose"
"Hamsters are more optimistic when they have access to a hammock"
Brant and His Words, The Messy Studio, Mixed Motives, Aggressive Drivers Psychology, God's Working on All of Us, Giggling With Friends, Really Trusting God, Social Tips
"No one like antiquated elocution guy."
"Instead of drawing a line between the good and the bad people, His line was between the humble and the proud"
"Mixed motives and all, God still loves us"
"If you ever feel like there is any planning of this show, you should disabuse yourself of that notion immediately"
"If you think you're being charged by squirrels, you're not. They're not "
Commanded to Forgive, Commanded to Love, The Manly Bike Basket, Fixing Up the House, The Underdog Hall of Fame, Garage Sale Mode, Unoffendable Customer Service, Save the Alien Planet, Brant for President, Adoration, Real Joy, This Too Shall Pass, Total Eclipse, Diet Pepsi vs. Diet Coke
"If we're honest, aren't we all slowly dilapidating?"
"Jesus commands us to forgive. That means you CAN forgive"
"I have a basket on my bike. Why is that NOT manly?"
"When you can see someone that has more than you and you don't resent them or envy them, you know you're maturing"
Where's God in Suffering, A Weekend @ the Fair, Selling Brant's Truck, Your Identity is in God Alone, The Accordion Birthday Song, Anger on Social Media, Fleet of Foot, Temporary Troubles for Believers, The Monday Song, Angry About Modest Swimwear, Social Tips, Love and Sacrifice, CrossFIt
Empty Nesters, Moving the Boxes, Save the Alien Planet, Rules of the Show, Joke Factory: Gollum and Six Flags, Feeling Like a Failure, Baby Hedgehogs Sneezing, Driving Sherri Nuts, Keep Going Back, Rock/Paper/Scissors
"You're like the goalie on a hockey team except you block your own team"
"This is the only radio show that gives away guilt."
"We never want to be preachy. We're just really excited about what God is showing us about how good He is"
"I take my struggles less and less seriously and just think: How can I love someone today"
"They had a video of baby hedgehogs sneezing and it was FREE!"
Ping the Driver AGAIN, Unoffendable KKK Picture, Accessible Like Jesus, Moving Woes, Opposite of Religion, In God's Family, The Underdog Hall of Fame, Brush With Greatness, Covering People, Totally Ripped National Day Committee, It's About Me, Fanaticism, Working With Someone With Asperger's
"Jesus replaced religion with Himself"
"We are not in a consumer relationship with God, we're in covenant"
"My producer is against me, but everyone else is totally on my side"
"When God sees us He sees the right-ness of Jesus."