Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


January 22nd Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Robots and Customer Service, The Problem of Sin, 13 Hours Movie, Knitters, The Role of the Grammar Police, Snow and Milk, The Honesty Cafe, It's So Cold, Mother-in-law Issues, 
"When we take the things God has given us and make them more important than Him; that's sin."
"I think I may like robots more than most humans. It's just difficult to predict what they'll do-the humans, I mean."
"Even atheists believe in sin."
"I'd like there to be an actual Grammar Police with an Apostrophe Swat Team division."


January 21st Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Twilight Zone, Trust/Respect, It's So Cold, Whine About the Cold, Honesty Cafe, Marbles and Jesus, Frozen Pants, Judge Judy, Choco-Fries, No Grenadine for You, Liking the "Words" of Jesus, A Jesus Rally, Having Posters, Hated the Show
"We're all yearning for a father who gives us limits and wants us to change."
"Instead of toughing up I've decided to's really working out."
"The Good News about Jesus still makes people who already think they're good angry."
"I had Revolutionary War maps on my wall as a kid"


January 20th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Whine About the Cold, It's So Cold, Prayers for Saeed, Stories of Grace, Fast & Furious, Mirror Selfies, Called to Love, Jesus/Questions, Having Doubts, Dab on Them, Gratitude
"I need to have an uncomfortable conversation with Vin Diesel."
"God's truth is so strong it can withstand my doubts."
"I can't kiss the inside of my elbow. I'm not that flexible."


January 19th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Feeling Pain, Brant Has a Library Book, Snowmobile Awareness Week, Nutella Militants, Hollywood Marriages, Christian Heroes, Deal Breaker: Same First and Last Name, God/Success/Suffering, Adopted By God, 
"Pain is a signal something is wrong. It does have a purpose."
"I like voicemail. I'm a big fan of talking to robots."
"I'm taking this too far. That's what I do. I bring the conversation down"
"If you search for happiness you'll always be let down."
"What are they putting in Nutella that makes people so militant about it?"


January 18th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

MLK Jr. Day, Blue Monday, Prayers for Saeed, Christmas Tree Down, I Saw the Light, Naghmeh Abedini, Prayers for the Ridderings, Lottery Winners, Show Uniform Update, Survival School, The NFL Playoffs


January 15th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

What to Look for in a Guy, Baby Goat Snuggle, History Segment: Dot Matrix Printers, Job Frustration, The Revenant, When God Says "No", The Honesty Cafe, Welcome Misfits, Fear of Failure, Hair Glowing


January 14th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

National Skeptic Day, If You Have A Billion Dollars..., God Wants Your Heart, Just Eat It Drive-Thru, Humility, Faithful Over Small Things, Teen Slang, A Turkey for 
Emotional Support, Powerball Calculation, Forgiving People, Health Tip Guy
"The turkey is licensed for emotional support."
"God wants you to want Him for more than His stuff."
"There will be a guard at the gate making sure you've eaten all your food."
"If you haven't internalized Calvary you're not likely to be very forgiving."


January 13th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Women Criticizing Themselves, Lectios Lift & Learn, How to Know When You Have a Good Guy, Social Tips, Money Doesn't Equal Happiness, Save the Alien Planet, Don't Forget God, Just Eat It, Personal News From the Show, You're Welcome Here
"The opposite of wisdom is foolishness and it always brings pain"
"There's no way you can look objectively and say money will make you happier. The data says the opposite in many cases."
"I want to be Mr. Health Tip. Giving tips even when I know no one wants them."
"You're supposed to tell people what they want. That's what Steve Jobs said."


January 12th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Arrogant Coin Collectors, A Cold Human on the Subway, Stories of Grace, Kamikaze Karaoke, Rest, Welcome Misfit, Tiny Houses, Prayer, Brant Arranging Marriages, Honesty Cafe, 52 Places to Visit
"Coin collectors think they're so superior."
"Being busy indicate spiritual laziness."
"You have accordion sized chip on your shoulder."


January 11th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Dabo Story, Vikings Kicker, Powerball, The Unoffendable Review, Saying "I Don't Know", I Saw the Light, Ranking Attractiveness, NCAA Championship, Depressing Fame, Substitute Teacher, Golden Globes/Ricky Gervais, When Your Team Loses
"I love when God answers in a way that you never forget."
"With $1.3 billion you could get printer toner for about 5 years."
"When you can say 'I don't know' it shows you are mature."
"I don't want you following me. Let's follow Christ together side by side."
"I didn't know where to land this plane but Sherri did it."


January 8th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Social Facts on a Plane, Night to Shine, Driver-less Car, Stories of Grace, Unhealthy Corn-dogs, Brant IS Gonna Take It, Air Travel Auctions, Praying for People, Anger
"As a believer in Jesus you have the resources NOT to be angry."
"Don't pat yourself on the back for anger."
"You're rooting for the humans. I'm more of a robot kinda guy."
"5 letters that are shocking when you put them together G-R-A-C-E."
"I don't understand the inexplicable weight gain. I went on the Corn Dog Diet."


January 7th Oddcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Stories of Grace, We're ALL Messed Up, High Resolution Windshield, Team Backwards, Blonde & Pasty Brant, Ignore It and It'll Go Away, The Pizza Gym Club, Church and Humans, Coffee In Church
"When you look through your windshield you'll some interesting stuff going on out 
"Humans have always been a mess. It didn't just start."
"In my mind's eye I still see myself looking the way  I did in Middle School."
"My FB page is the central hub for news about tiny animals with sweaters."

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