Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
Sci-Fi Question: Instant Cleaning vs. No Radio, Give Jesus a Chance, Stories of Grace, The Best News, Leadership Tip, Bats at the Hansen's, The Great Printer Toner Question, The Unoffendable Gift, The Pressures on Women, If Jesus Had a Blog, Please Invite Brant...
"Rules don't change people. Grace does."
"Hanging out in some church cultures you get a caricature of Jesus that isn't appealing"
"We've elected you queen of the earth"
"Start throwing people's phones in the toilet and watch respect for you shoot
through the roof"
"It's hard to punch someone on the shoulder when your sitting around talking about C.S. Lewis
How God's Love Works, Brant and the Robot Army, Mr. Tangles, Stories of Grace, Pray for the Persecuted, Jesus Says Something Different, Survival School, The Way Doctor Dresses, Bad Driver Sign
"God gave everything for me before I could do anything for Him"
"You're broken. I know it. I'm gonna love you anyway."
"Kids, you've got to paint the picture for people"
"You've hurt the aliens' feelings by beating them with sticks"
The New Wave of Fashion, Awkward Jog of Gratitude, Understanding the Oscars, Men and Anger, Men Crying, The "Other" Facebook Inbox, Sci-Fi Question: Losing 10 lbs vs. World Class Accordion Player, Everyone Preaches, House Church
"If I dress like a pirate or a medieval peasant, that won't affect the show"
"I need a producer that let's me be me"
"Anger isn't manly"
"You can make a million dollars as a world class accordion player"
"Let's all humble our heart before God and then see what he does with us"
The Wedding UN-vitation, The Oscars Swag Bag, Coffee in a Bowl, A Social Media Tip, Ordinary Stuff, Sky Diving, Prayer, Save the Alien Planet, Self-Imposed Goals
"Humility is a really good way to go sometimes"
"The spa is like a library. I didn't know"
"The Oscars are the awards for the best people acting like other people"
"You had a problem with me putting my bowl of coffee on the floor and lapping it up like a cat"
"Maybe you being radical means you live and walk in forgiveness"
Political Differences In Church, The Show That Has the Baby Bears, Best Restaurants, Alex Rodriguez Profile, Brant and Sherri Cruise, Attractive Qualities In A Man, Jesus Is Relevant, Brant's Kale Cookies
"Your feelings follow your actions not the other way around"
"Jesus is relevant. As far as the curse is found, He undoes it."
"We can be known as the show that rescues the baby bears"
"If you guys aren't gonna take the puppets seriously, then forget the whole thing"
"The problem with having our own cruise is we can't afford to go on it"
Comfort Food Revisited, Valentine For Life, Growing Up Christian, Paring Down, Praying, Welcome to the Show, Fear of Birds, Atheist Regimes, $120 thousand 1 Bedroom Apartment, Traffic and Forgiveness, Easiest Job, Look At Jesus
"A lot of people report they've experienced nausea and anger after the show"
"Humans are broken and Jesus is the only one who does something about it"
"Have you ever seen a peacock or peahen wreaking havoc or attacking anyone?"
"Traffic is forgiveness practice"
"He's very heavily starched this evening"
On-Line Church, Easiest Job, Astronaut HOF, Cohabitation, Burger King Pies, Celebrity Is Not the Answer, Awesome Mind Reading Trick, Humans Waiting On You, The Westminster Dog Show, Trash At Berkeley
"Facebook makes it hard for people to really know you inside and out"
"The Sun Glass Place: home of the cleanest sunglasses on earth"
"Things will be miserable if you go through life trying to teach strangers 'a lesson'"
"The number 5 usually corresponds to rabbit in people's mind"
"I try things out on people and it always works until it's on the air and then it falls apart"
Thunder Snow Excitement, No Karma, Compliments, People of the Cross, Comfort Food, Cure International, God Knows You, Restaurant Mascots, Corre Gracefully, The Podcast, One Frivolous Thing
"Grace smashes karma"
"God loves us because of who HE is"
"The cross is a scandal because it looks like you're losing, but it's victory"
"Who am I supposed to trust, my friends or a cold analytical study from some people I don't know?"
"You tell me where we're going: Pickle Place or Sad Bear Place?"
ISIS Killings Christians, Producer Sherri's Facial Injury, Big Wedding/Divorce Rate, Valentines For Everyone, Power Ball Frivolity, What NOT To Say To Your Spouse, Dogs Are Awesome, Talking to God, It's an Interactive Goat Map
"I was sleeping and then I hurt my face"
"Go big and go cheap"
"All I wanted was for Randa to say something nice"
"Being married is not God's solution to the love problem"
"We don't think God is threatened by your honesty"