Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
Marriage Advice, History Segment: Cassette Tapes, Survival School, Wise Friends, Memorial Day Weekend Grilling, Brant's Sing-a-Long, New Emoticons
"All you need is a sunroof and some puppets"
"You should always have a couple friends that are older and wiser than you."
"You shape your spouse over time"
"What does a croissant emoticon reveal about my state of mind?"
History Lessons: Car Windows, Brant's First Car, Car Colors, The Prodigal Son Story, Sci-Fi Question: Who's Lying?, Persistent Onesimus, God Hasn't Zapped Us Yet, The Voice(mail), Forgiveness and Success, Men Can't Find Stuff, Hiding the Microwave, Marriage Advice
"Since when do I have point to the things I say?"
"It's really tiresome being the older brother in the Prodigal Son story. How about just go join the party."
"You have to be for someone if you expect them to receive what you're saying."
BONUS MATERIAL: Complaint Letters!!!, Americans and Listening, Skype Rules, Introvert/Extrovert, History Segment: Checks, Marriage Advice, Hatred to Friends, Good News, Arguing with Non-Christians, The Voice(Mail), Deal Breaker: Uh-huh, If Jesus Is Who He Said He Is, He Still Loves You
"What are the rules for Skype or Facetime...are we just supposed to lock eyes and not blink?"
"It's easier for people to think well of you when you're an extrovert"
"Maybe the title of our show should be: From Hatred to Friends."
"If the whole world that's been operating under this idea that they have to appease God somehow found out that He's already appeased because of what He's
already done for us"
"Everyone is religious by nature. You worship something. You serve something."
"I would never call grace 'cheap' but it better be free. Cause I got nothin to pay for it."
New to the Show, Attention Span, Phone People, When You Mess Up, You're Welcome Here, Alien Planet, God As Doctor, Not As Strong As You Think You Are, Rules of the Show, The Voice(Mail), Saeed Abedini, Marriage Advice, The Baby Goat Farm
"God specializes in taking your mess-ups and making something beautiful out of them"
"Jesus is convinced of His ability to change us"
"God is the doctor and he tells me I have a major problem...I'm addicted to myself. And it might require surgery, and I'm OK with that."
"Sherri, how could you question the need for a baby goat?"
Marriage Advice, If Jesus Had A Blog, Praise, I Saw the Light, The Voice (Mail), Money & Worry, Welcome to the Show, Probably Soft Hands, This Week Will Rock Because __________
"God breathed life into dust. He made the whole universe. He set the stars in space and charts their course. God deserves praise. It's not egocentric, it's just truth"
"Beans and cornbread had a fight. We don't know what it means. Just accept it."
"A lot of people stressed about a Monday, but you don't have to be because God has Tuesday in mind and Wednesday and you don't have to worry about it."
"Worry is effectively saying: I don't trust God to do what I know is the right thing."
"The listener of this program goes through stages. Work the stages. Stage #2 is white hot rage."
Honorary Doctorates, The Professor and the Baby, The Voice-mail, Family Bingo, Forgiveness, It Is Finished, Making SFX, Jesus Is THE Way, Survival School
"Jesus embodied what it meant to be masculine: love for the vulnerable and the
people on the margins."
"The listeners to this program ooze talent. Maybe you'd like to ooze with us."
"The whole Cosmos shifted when Jesus died on the cross"
"There are bees in my space suit."
Spiritual Seekers, Welcome to the Show, Redbox Shoes, Baby Chloe on the Plane, Chewbacca Hoodie, Rain Wilson on Brokenness, Men in the Mirror, Making SFX, Is Your Dog a Genius?
"Producer Sherri has her own quirks. We'll unpack those as soon as we're done with mine."
"If you're a seeker be open to the fact that Jesus maybe exactly what you've been seeking for."
"The Gospel frees some people and scandalizes the rest."
"Today on the show well be talking about Jesus AND is your dog a genius? It's the breadth of this show."
"Read about Jesus for yourself, don't believe the cartoon caricature."
New Facial Hair, Honorary Doctorates, Karaoke Church, NPR Puppet Stealing, Saeed Abedini, "Are You A Christian" Poll, Octagon of Knowledge, Worry, The Podcast and Blues Guitar
"We're giving away Honorary Doctorates on the show today like candy"
"NPR is stealing from us and renaming our puppets"
"When I became a believer I gave my life away. So what can you take from me?"
"Without the music, I'm just a guy in a unitard"
"Who accredits the people that accredit the people that accredit? We don't know."