Did you happen to notice the fresh coat of paint for the Real.FM website?
Whether you did or not, welcome to the new Real FM web experience! Be sure to check out the new Real FM web player, as it's easier than ever to listen to Real FM live on your laptop, desktop, or mobile device. You can navigate the Real FM website without interrupting the stream! Plus, the Real FM podcast listening experience is much improved as well. Just click on a podcast episode you want to listen to, and it will start playing right from the Real FM web player.
We've improved other features like the Event Calendar and Prayer Wall, plus we've added some new features as well. For example, check out our new music database, where you can dive deeper into your favorite Real FM artists and songs by checking out artist bios, lyrics, music videos, and more.
If you find any bugs or have any feedback for us, please get in touch anytime. Thanks for being part of the Real FM community!