Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.


March 27th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Jesus and Women, The B. Islands Giveaway, Fear of Birds, Anger, What Your Car Does, Nicknames, Street Busking, Stories of Grace, Mourning One Direction
"They wouldn't have put Jesus to death if He was just a boring guy go around being nice to people"
"I wouldn't say mocked. I'd say explored with a lighter touch"
"From the bird's perspective who slapped whom is the question"
"Admitting your shortcomings is threatening to people unless they're humble. Then it's freeing"


March 26th Podcast! With Bonus Interview!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Phone to Microscope, Feeling Like a Failure, Can't Move On, Nicknames, $180 Million Fight, Bracket of Awesomeness, Feeling Far From God, Survival School, Welcome to the Show, Unoffendable Acknowledgments, Mary Demuth Interview
"You can turn your phone into a microscope"
"Your feelings don't trump the truth"
"This radio show is a disaster"
"Love means sacrifice and usually comes without feelings"


March 25th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brilliant Traffic Move, Starbuck's #WWI, Survival School Correction, Having Asperger's, Sing to God, Cooking Shows, Nicknames, Brackets of Awesomeness, Stories of Grace, 3D Printer Threat, Days of Appreciation
"When you act on behalf of somebody who's making you angry, you increase your 
love for that person"
"Let's talk toast for a month at Starbuck's"
"I think God wants to hear bad singers sing. Belt it out."
"Grace is like a sunbeam coming through a prison"


March 24th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Quickerson's, Kids and Character, Sword Fight of Knowledge, Don't Be Scandalized, Brackets of Awesomeness, Reading the Bible, Forgiveness, The Robot Emcee, Hotel Prices
"Your job as a parent is building character in your children"
"My shirt is blousy but masculine"
"Refuse to be scandalized by people"
"God likes being around us"


March 23rd Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Love Them, The Shaggy DA, Brackets of Awesomeness, Saeed Abedini, Viking Show Extras, Survival School, The Great Beard, No Moral Scoreboard, When You Get Older, Dreamworks Boycott, God and Our Character
"I still love them even if they don't love me"
"Why is this shaggy dog allowed to hold public office?"
"I'll be the guy screaming "Let the buyer beware" as we go into battle"
"You need to check things in your character now, so that you want be light years off from where you want to be later"


March 18th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Bracket of Awesomeness, Creflo Dollar Jet, New to the Show, Having Aspergers, Cute Animal Attack, ½ of a Married Person, When to Check the Phone, God Likes Us, Your Awesome Car


March 17th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

The Irish Accent, Bracket of Awesomeness, Taking Compliments, We Need to Talk, Being Corrected, Best Husband Names, Saeed Abedini


March 10th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Narcissism vs. Contentment, Slow People and Gratitude, Non-Awesome Super Powers, Depressing Passages in the Bible, Accordion Worship, Whistle and Hum, "I'm Sorry", Survival School
"Anger and gratitude can't coexist"
"My costume is brown to signify burnt toast"
"I need that bomb and its gone. It disappeared"
"Someone go get Super Kim"
"God takes our hurts seriously"
"It's hard to be humiliated when you're already humble"


March 4th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

They Don't Know, The Black/Blue Dress, Brackets of Awesomeness, Feeling in Love With God, HGTV and Redemption, Stories of Grace, Unoffendable Street Team, Moose and Pterodactyls, Expensive Hobbit House, Good Drivers?
"It's incredibly loving to do something when you don't feel it"
"Something in us yearns for restoration and redemption"
"My street team will have matching leather jackets"
"You're not a Hobbit"
"Useth thou the trump card"


March 3rd Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Fast & Furious & the Wiener Mobile, Taking Your Spiritual Temperature, Protesting Leonard Nimoy's Funeral, Brant the Nutrition Consultant, Brackets of Awesome, Your Spiritual Resume, Tell the Rest of the Story, I Can't Live Without _____________, The Richest Woman in the World, Save the Alien Planet
"We just give the audience what they didn't even know they wanted"
"I would pay to see the Fast and Furious if  the Wiener Mobile was in it"
"You don't have to take your spiritual temperature all the time"
"They're scared of my wrath, if they steal my ideas"
"I'm your go to guy for 'NO'"


March 2nd Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

A Religious Map of the US, Survival School, Rabid Hummingbirds, The Best Birthday Party Ever, The Persecuted Church, Do Advertisements Work?, Unoffendable, Note on a Plate, At the End of Yourself
"The reason you criticize it is the reason why I am a believer"
"108 and 105 and still holding hands"
"Religious cleansing in this world is a huge issue"
"I had a razor focus on Mop N' Glo.
"I'm amazed at the number of people that think they can forgive someone and be angry at them simultaneously"
"You're really double dipping on the self-righteousness there"


February 27th Podcast!

Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Polar Bear Day, Stories of Grace, The Edible Coffee Cup, The Infant Rap Demo, The "Weakness" Interview Question, Gerbils and the Plague, Lamenting Prayer, The LED Traffic Sign, Polly For Office, Refrigerator Door Friend Test, #capesafety, 6-Year Old Birthday Party
"Don't even THINK of polar bears today"
"The gerbils may be unrepentant"
"I am nailing the 9-12 month rap demo"
"God wants you instead of a show. He wants  your heart instead of a mannequin."

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