Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is.
Hurricane Matthew, Getting Used to Incredible Things, The “Seem Smart” List, Listener Evaluation, Qualifying For God’s Forgiveness, Loud in the Quiet Car, The Prodigal Son Story, Men/Women Hurricane Prep-Marriage Lesson, Motorized Luggage, Road Rage, Social Tip-Saying Goodbye on the Phone, BONUS PODCAST MATERIAL: How Men Talk;
Candy Corn Hot Take, Hurricane Matthew, Sense of Humor in Marriage, Sign up for Mars, Gravity, Breaking Animal News, Protect Your Goodness, Me Too!, Grapes and Wheat Thins, The Real Spiritual Battle, Cutting People Off in Traffic, Kim Kardashian News, Wastewater Open House, Flight Attendant Annoyances;
When Political Season is Over, Sherri's Play Recap, Self-Lacing Shoes, We're All Fragile, Breaking Animal News, Big Box of Toast, Spiritual Misfits, Fruit Ninja Movie, Intelligence from Mom, Mother of Son with Asperger's; Quotes: “I can feel Breaking Animal News in the air. There’s a stir.”
Hotel Sheets, Feelings Lie, Breaking Animal News, Your Unique Story, Freaking Out the Drive Thru Lady, Throwing out Cloths, Not Having to Possess Things, Worship/Feeling, “The Golden Nozzle” Revisited, Duet with Brant, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Honesty Cafe, Listener Evaluations;