Hit the rewind button to catch up and go deeper with Real FM! On A-Side, you’ll hear weekly highlights from Real FM Radio shows like Afternoons with Ansen & Kara, Middays with Zoe, and more. On B-Side, your favorite Real FM radio hosts will press rewind together and take a deeper dive into their favorite songs and stories from the past week.


B-Side #84: Game Shows

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on repeat song of the week from Ty Brasel, look forward to consuming ALL of the Olympic coverage, and pause to discuss which game shows we think we would dominate, and which we would avoid at all costs.


A-Side #84: July 29th - August 2nd

Real FM Rewind

The Olympics has gotten Kara and Ansen talkative like hiking with your super fit friends, sleep injuries, favorite moments from the big event, and Norwegian swimmers being human too. Zoe talks about an unconventional way a woman's life was saved, some nerdy news, and the struggles of going on vacation... and they talk about so much more!


B-Side #83- Tornado Wranglers and Jedis

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on repeat song of the week from Aaron Cole and Kirk Franklin, look forward to diving into some new books, and pause to share about the movies and TV shows that help us live out our vocational fantasies.


A-Side: July 22nd-26th

Real FM Rewind

This week, we talked about the sports we only watch every four years due to the Olympics, how a new car feels like a spaceship these days, ancient lunchables, the difference between your 20s and 30ths, vulnerability, and things don't always go the way we think they'll go... and much more!


B-Side #82: Discovery Mode

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on repeat song of the week from Twenty One Pilots, look forward to an upcoming trip, and pause to discuss a real life example of moving towards discovery mode instead of danger mode.


A-side #82: July 15th - July 19th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe and Ansen were talking about a new museum in Paris all about cheese, how the Olympics make Zoe think of sharks swimming in the Seine River, advice from an Olympic gymnast and don't worry they talk about more than just the Olympics! They talk about avoiding prime day, the power of a good breakfast, and how the 90s weren't as cool as nostalgia makes it seem...


B-Side #81: Beautiful Chaos

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they discuss the on repeat song of the week from Matthew Parker and Gladden, look forward to a unique outing with friends, and pause to talk about Zoe's big news, and the beautiful chaos that often comes with big life changes.


A-Side #81: June 24th - June 18th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Kara and Ansen talked about the struggles of procrastination and the joys of reading, the waiting seasons of life, a unique golfing caddie, ugly pets, and a pretty big announcement... and more!


B-Side #80: The Problem of Productivity

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they talk about the on repeat song of the week from Wande and Lecrae, look forward to not hating a summer road trip, and pause to talked about how productivity can become a problem.


A-side #80: June 17th - 21st

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara are talking about a high-stakes piglet chase, YouTube trends that make Zoe concerned for humanity, Kara's thoughts on Inside Out 2, a new family favorite dinner involving pancakes, recent grad struggles and the return of an iconic program from many people's childhood's "Book it" and much more!


B-Side #79: Find Out Before You Freak Out

Real FM Rewind

Press rewind with Ansen, Kara, and Zoe as they unpack the on repeat song of the week from nobigdyl, look forward to summer days in the pool, and pause to discuss a cautionary tale about not believing everything we read on the internet.


A-Side #79: June 10th - June 14th

Real FM Rewind

This week, Zoe, Ansen and Kara talked about gym dogs, outdoor cats, bizarre TikTok trends, the gifts God gives us includes our weaknesses, the annual wheel of cheese race, news of The Office reboot and more!

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