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Justin, Staff Chaplain for Real FM, is back with another idea for loving our neighbors this week: through simple acts of serving. Join us this week in seeking out opportunities to serve your neighbor.


Continuing our series on learning the art of neighboring, Justin, Staff Chaplain at Real FM, shares a story about Tom.  Tom reminded Justin how impactful words can be.


Justin, staff chaplain at Real FM, shares an encounter at a coffee shop that reminded him of how important knowing your neighbor's name can be.


Every day is a good day to be a good neighbor.  To the person who lives next door, the one who sits next to you in class, or the one who hands you your cup of coffee. Just like anything, learning how to be a good neighbor takes practice.


‘Tis the season of vacation time.  Or, at least looking at the time-off we have left at work and wondering how we are going to use it. More likely, we’re wondering if we are going to use it and how much we’ll be leaving on the table.  Apparently, studies reveal that our nation is not great at resting.


When you consider that God is all-powerful, or omnipotent, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s the vastness of creation and the immense power we find in nature—an erupting volcano, a pride of lions, or the mass and energy of a star. Considering these things can be humbling let alone the even greater God who formed and holds them all.


Have you ever considered yourself or someone else “far from God?” In fact, take a moment. Who comes to your mind right now when you think of someone who is “far from God?” What is the “kind of person” you might consider “furthest from God?”.


Psalm 34 and 145 are two of my favorite Psalms. If I had to choose between the two, I’d probably hit the eject button and choose Psalm 107. Take a moment to remember the presence of God and read these verses.


We've got some fire beats in our Fresh Finds playlist this week, including some refreshing and positive new sounds from Twenty One Pilots and Justin Bieber, and an introduction to a new artist to Real FM, Asher Postman. So without further ado, let's dive in!.


January is a significant month. It marks the beginning of a new calendar year and brings with it opportunities for reflection and goal-setting. In all of this reflection, there is a heartbeat below the surface: God, what are You up to? Let's examine the transition from the challenges of 2020 to the new horizons of 2021.